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Price Groups - Global Settings

Many Price Groups, regardless of type, share several settings, including:


This section is fairly self-explanatory. The Name is the name you give a specific Price Group, such as "Customer Loyalty Discount" or "10 Percent Discount."

The Eligibilty setting is how you decide what the eligibility is for the Price Group you are creating. The choices are:

Lastly, the Type section is where you choose the type of Price Group you want to create. For example, "Add-on Discount" or "Buy X Get Y."

Basket/Qualifying Restrictions

Next you will choose the basket/qualifying restrictions.

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There are several options in this section.

Restrict to Qualifying Subtotal

The customer will receive the discount if the total value of qualifying products in their basket falls within a certain price range. You select the qualifying products after you create the Price Group.

Example: The customer might have 10 items in their basket with a total value of $100, but only three of those items are on your list of qualifying products, and the value of those three items is only $25. Depending on what price range you set, the basket may not qualify for a discount.

This also uses the basket subtotal, which is the value of merchandise in the basket, before tax, shipping and any other order related charges.


The setting is dependent on how you enter the information in the fields. For example, if you entered 50 in the first field and left the second field at 0, Miva interprets that to mean a shopper must spend at least $50, but there is no upper limit. If you leave 0 in the first field, and enter 50 in the second field, Miva interprets that to mean the customer will receive the discount if the value of qualifying products in the basket is $50 or less.

Restrict to Qualifying Quantity

The customer will receive the discount if they have a certain number of qualifying products in their basket. And the customer is allowed to have any combination of your qualifying items in their basket, including multiples of the same item. You select the qualifying products after you create the Price Group.

Example: The customer puts five items in their basket, including three of the same item, but only those three items are qualifying items. In this case the customer would not receive the discount.


The setting is dependent on how you enter the information in the fields. For example, if you entered 5 in the first field and left the second at 0, Miva interprets that to mean the customer must have five or more qualifying items in their basket. If you leave the first field at 0, and entered 5 in the second field, Miva interprets that to mean the customer will receive the discount if they have five or fewer qualifying items in their basket.


If you have established a Qualifying Quantity, and you are using Qualifying Products, you must have the Qualifying Quantity set to at least 1. Otherwise, Miva will ignore all qualifying products.

Restrict to Qualifying Weight

The customer will receive the discount if the total weight of qualifying items in their basket falls within a certain weight range. Only the weight of the qualifying items are considered for this discount. You select the qualifying products after you create the Price Group.

Example: The customer puts 10 items in their basket, with a total weight of 25 pounds. However, only two of those items are on your list of qualifying products and those two items only weigh 10 pounds, so the customer may or may not qualify for the discount depending on the weight settings you made.


The setting is dependent on how you enter the information in the fields. For example, if you entered 10 in the first field, and left the second at 0, Miva interprets that to mean the customer must have 10 pounds of qualifying products in their basket to get the discount. If you leave the first field at 0, and enter 10 in the second field, Miva interprets that to meant the customer will receive the discount if they have 10 pounds or less of qualifying items in their basket.

Restrict to Basket Subtotal

The customer will receive the discount if the subtotal of their basket (the value of all merchandise in the basket before tax, shipping or other related charges are added), falls within a certain dollar amount. This option looks at all of the items in a customer’s basket and is not dependent on qualifying items.


The setting is dependent on how you enter the information in the fields. For example, if you entered 100 in the first field and left the second at 0, Miva interprets that to mean the customer must have a subtotal of $100 in order to get the discount. If you leave the first field at 0, and enter 100 in the second field, Miva interprets that to mean the customer will receive the discount as long as the total in their basket is less than $100.

Restrict to Basket Quantity

The customer will receive the discount if the number of items in their basket falls within a certain number of items. You decide how many items must be in a customer’s basket to qualify for a discount.


This setting is dependent on how you enter the information in the fields. For example, if you entered 5 in the first field, and left the second field at 0, your customer will receive the discount if they have at least five items in their basket. If you leave the first field at 0, and enter 5 in the second field, the customer will receive the discount as long as they have five items or less in their basket.


If you have established a Qualifying Quantity, and you are using Qualifying Products, you must have the Qualifying Quantity set to at least 1. Otherwise, Miva will ignore all qualifying products.

Restrict to Basket Weight

The customer will receive the discount if the combined weight of all the items in their basket falls within a certain weight range.


This setting is dependent on how you enter the information in the fields. For example, if you entered 5 in the first field, and left the second field at 0, your customer will receive the discount if the contents in their basket weigh at least 5 pounds. If you left the first field at 0, and entered 5 in the second field, your customer will receive the discount if the contents of the basket weigh less than 5 pounds.

Price Group Settings

The Basket Description/Display Discount in Basket fields work together to allow you to give customers additional information about the discounts they are getting. The fields affect the Shopping Basket, and all of the checkout screens (Order Details, Shipping/Payment Selection, Payment Information and Invoice).


Even if you don’t use these fields, the discount will still show up in the Total Price column of the Shopping Basket and the checkout screens.

You will also set a Priority for the price group and Not Valid Before/Not Valid After dates for the group.


In terms of Priority, if multiple discounts are being applied to the order, the higher priority discount is applied first. In the Miva admin, a priority 100 discount would be applied before one with a priority of 97. A discount with a priority of zero (0) would be applied last. If you set the priority of every price group to zero, the groups would be applied in the order in which they were created.


Finally, in the Exclusions section, decide if the Price Group discount can be combined with other existing Price Groups. When you click the Configure Exclusions button, a list of all of the Price Groups is displayed.

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Clicking the Edit icon adjacent to the Exclusions column opens a drop down with four options. You can also select multiple price groups and use the bulk actions ability to configure exclusions across several price groups. The options are:


For “Exclude for Same Item Group,” the Miva admin works like this. For this example, let’s say you have two Price Groups.

Price Group 1: If the customer buys 5 hats, they’ll receive a 10% discount on each hat. This price group has a Priority of 100, so it is applied first.

Price Group 2: If the customer buys 1 hat, they get a second hat for free. This price group has a Priority of 0, so it is applied last.

A customer buys five hats. The Miva admin looks at the basket, takes the five hats and puts them in a group of five, which meets the conditions for the discount in Price Group 1.

Next, the admin tries to apply the discount for Price Group 2, but because all five hats are part of an “item group” that was already used to get a discount from Price Group 1. If the exclusion was set to “Exclude for Same Item Group,” none of the hats will earn another discount.


If a customer buys five hats, they will get a discount from Price Group 1, but not Price Group 2.

If a customer buys seven hats, the first five hats are put into an item group and get a discount from Price Group 1. Hats six and seven are put into a different item group and get the discount from Price Group 2.

If a customer buys eight hats, hats one through 5 get the discount from Price Group 1, hats six and seven get the discount from Price Group 2, and hat eight gets no discount because it is in an item group by itself that doesn’t qualify for any discount.

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