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Scheduled Tasks

Scheduled Tasks are a way for the Miva admin to automate certain tasks, like sending emails, processing subscriptions, running imports, and many other actions, at a time that is convenient to your business.

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Scheduled Task Batch List

The Scheduled Task Batch List is a list of every scheduled task the Miva admin can, or does, run for your store. To access the list, click the Scheduled Tasks tab on the Store Settings page.

This batch list behaves just like any other Miva admin batch list. For more information, visit the Batch Lists document. Clicking the slider next to a task enables or disables it.

Creating a Scheduled Task

Although many important scheduled tasks are already established in the Miva admin, others can be added. To do so, from the Scheduled Tasks tab, click the Create New Scheduled Task button in the upper right corner.

You will configure the task in the box that opens.

Enabled: Click this box to enable or disable the task.

Description: Enter a brief description of the task.

Trigger: Some tasks require a trigger, which causes the task to begin. Enter a name for the trigger.

Trigger Delay: A numerical entry here will delay the start of the task by that number of seconds.

Operation: This is a dropdown menu of all of the possible tasks available.

Schedule: You can set the task to run once, and then disable it, or you can choose to have the task run at a specific interval of minutes, hours or days. For example, you could set a task to send out a template based email for an expired credit card every day.

Place Store in Maintenance Mode While Task is Running: Checking this box can be beneficial if the task is particularly intensive and could affect the performance of your store.

Give Customers X Minute(s) Warning: This allows your store to provide customers with a warning before your store goes into Maintenance Mode.

Log: Information, Warnings, Errors: When the task runs the Miva admin can provide a log, based on the selections checked here.

Next Run: This displays the next date and time the task will run. The field can be edited to a desired date and time.

Last Run: A read-only field that shows when the task was last run.

After the task is configured, click the Add button.

Manually Run a Scheduled Task

Scheduled Tasks can be run manually if needed.

To do so, from the Scheduled Tasks batch list, click the box next to the desired scheduled task to select it.

At the top of the batch list there will be a Run Scheduled Task(s) button. Click it to run the task.

Deleting a Scheduled Task

To delete a Scheduled Task, simply click the box next to the scheduled task you wish to delete. Then, next to the Run Scheduled Task(s) button, click the three button icon and select Delete Record(s) from the drop down.

In the confirmation box that opens, click the Delete button to complete the action.

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