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User Groups

User Groups are how you manage which Miva admin users have access to specific portions of the admin.



Miva recommends that you follow the principle of least privilege when you set up Miva users in groups. This concept means you give each user the minimum permissions required to successfully do their job. For example, if you have an employee whose job it is to process orders, you would likely only want to give them access to the Order Processing screens. Giving them access beyond their job duties can create security concerns within the admin.

On this Page

Default User Groups

The Miva admin comes with a number of User Groups already created. They are:

When you create a new user, you can add them to any of these by clicking the slider to enable their assignment to the desired group.

Adding a New User Group

In addition to the default user groups, you can create additional groups. To do so, from the Users page, click the Groups tab.

Once there, click the Add Group button in the upper right corner. In the fields that open in the batch list, add a name for the group, and then a description of the group. Then click Save Changes.


After that, when you add new users the newly created group also displays along with the default user groups. Just like the default groups, just click the slider to enable their assignment to the desired group.

User Groups Privileges

Privileges are how you allow or limit user access to various functions within the User Group.

To access the Privileges settings, select the User Group you wish to edit the privileges for, and then click the Privileges button.


In the box that opens, sliders are used to enable or disable various capabilities within functions in the Admin. The capabilities are:


There are mutliple ways to adjust these capabilities.

The individual sliders can simply be clicked to toggle the value on or off. For example, if you clicked the toggle to grey (disabled) under Modify for the Account Credit functionality, the user would be allowed to View, Add or Delete an Account Credit, but could not modify an existing Account Credit in the admin.

In addition, multiple functionalities can be changed at the same time by selecting those to be changed, and then using either the View dropdown menu to toggle that capability on or off. Or, clicking the More icon (three dots) allows you to toggle the Add, Modify or Delete capabilities on or off.


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