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Customers Batch List

The Customers batch list is a way for you to use the power of the Miva admin to interact with your customers.


For the basics of working with Batch Lists, click here

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Accessing Customers Batch List

To work with the Customers batch list, click the Customers heading on the left side of the page. Then, on the page that opens, make sure you are in the Customers tab (which is the default tab). On that page you will see a list of all of your customers.

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As with all Miva batch lists, you are able to configure the information you wish to see in your batch list. To do so, click the Plus sign icon on the right side of the page. This opens the Show/Hide Columns box. In this box, click the columns you want to see in the batch list. After you have finished choosing your columns, click the same icon on the right side, which is a Minus sign when the Show/Hide Columns box is open.

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You can search for a customer in the Search Customers text box in the upper right corner. You can search by first name, last name or a combination of both. Miva will also return results with just partial names.

Using Advanced Search with the Customers Batch List

You can also use Advanced Search to use the batch list to drill down to granular information. To use Advanced Search, click the icon that is attached to the search box, on the right side. In the drop down menu that opens, click Advanced Search.

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In the Advanced Search box you can use filters to find specific information about your customers.

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Use Case: Advanced Search with Customers Batch List

For example, you can search by Last Login to find out when your customers last logged into their account for your store. You can also take a step further by using filters. In this case, we will use the Last Login search, but we’ll further filter it to include customers who haven’t logged in this year. In the Filter dropdown we’ll select Before, and then we’ll set the date to January 1, 2022 at 12:01 a.m.

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After clicking the Search button, a list is displayed of customers who have last logged in before January 1, 2022.

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If, for example, you wanted to create a marketing campaign to encourage customers with account credit balances to use those balances. You could scroll to the Account Credit Balance term, and then filter the results to show only customers who have account credit balances over $0.

In both of the examples above, those search results can then be exported to a CSV file. Just click the select all box in the batch list, and then the three dots icon, and select CSV. A spreadsheet with all of the values shown on the batch list is downloaded to your computer.

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