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Miva Time Stamp

Assign Time Stamps

Miva 9.0007 now adds Time Stamps to your Products, Categories and your Customer Batch Lists.

The Products and Categories get the Time Stamp for "Date Created" and "Last Updated."

Created & Updated Products

Customers get a Time Stamp for "Customer Created" and "Last Log In."

Created & Updated Products

Sort Time Stamps

When you click on the new Time Stamps you can sort by time and date. Click once and it will sort by first to last. Click again and it will sort last to first.


Advanced Search Time Stamps for Products & Categories

Time Stamps are searchable using the Advanced Search option in Miva. Simply click the Search Settings icon near the top right, scroll down to Advanced Search.


When you do, the following window will pop up (you might need to scroll down to the end of the list):

Advanced Search

From these two drop downs you can search by dates in a variety of ways; On, Before, After or Between. Simply select the parameters you want to search by and hit the Search button.

Advanced Search

Advanced Search Time Stamps for Customers

The only difference with the Customer search is instead of searching by Dates Created and Last Updated, you'll get Date Created and Last Login.

Advanced Search Customers

View Docs here

Looking for Developer Docs?

We have a whole section for that, including: Developer Training Series, Template Language docs, Module Development tutorials and much, much more.

Head to the Developer Section

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