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Videos | Updating the Luxe ReadyTheme Footer Menu

In this video we will show you how to update the Luxe ReadyTheme Footer Menu.
ver.9.0 and later

Video Transcript

The last navigation area we'll look at is the footer navigation. Now this pretty much is the same navigation menu that we have on all the other ReadyThemes, but we'll go ahead and review it real quick. So if we go back over to our Admin, we'll click on our ReadyTheme section. We'll click on "Navigation Sets." Here at the bottom you'll see the "Site Footer Menu." Click on your "Open" icon. Here you'll see the usual "About Us, Shipping & Returns, etc."

Let's say I want to add a new navigation item. I would just click "Add Navigation Item" I'll call it "Bow Tie."  I'm going to have it go to my "Bow Tie" category and then I'll click "Add." If I wanted to add more, I would have clicked on the "Add+" but since I only wanted to add one, I'm simply clicking on the "Add" button. 

Now it's going to go down to the bottom, but if I wanted to move it up to the top, I would just click the "Sort" button, click on "Edit Display Order" I'll put a 1 next to the navigation I want to move to the top, and hit return and now we've moved our new navigation item to the top. Now I'm going to go over to my site, click "Refresh" and there's my bow tie category. Now if I click it, it should take me to my bow ties page. There we are. That wraps up the navigation for the Luxe Navigation ReadyTheme. 

Download the Luxe ReadyTheme here.

View the Luxe ReadyTheme pdf Installation docs here.

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