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Admin Overview

Use the Miva Admin to manage everything about your online store. Learn how to use the powerful customizing options to create the perfect store for your business.

Concurrent Seat Licensing

ver.9.0 and later
Although you can create an unlimited number of users at no additional cost to you, the Miva Merchant software only comes with a single Concurrent User license This video explains what how concurrent seat licensing works, and what users will see when logging into a store with all available seats occupied.
Video Length: 5.27 minutes

Managing Your Concurrent Seat Licenses

ver.9.0 and later
You can review and manage your store's concurrent seat licenses via your Seat Billing Account, found in the Domain Settings area of your store admin. This video shows you how to add and remove additional seat licenses, update payment information, and access the billing history of your Seat Billing Account.
Video Length: 3.83 minutes

Miva Merchant Admin

ver.9.0 and later
Welcome to the Miva Merchant Admin. In this video we will walk you through a quick introduction to the Admin homepage and show you around the user friendly Interface we've created for you!
Video Length: 4.30 minutes

Simple Search, Find In List, And Advanced Search

ver.9.3 and later
Miva Merchant gives you powerful search functionality to help you find what you're looking for. This video explores the differences between the three search modes found under the Search Settings button in the Catalog screen.
Video Length: 3.68 minutes

Sorting Display Order of Tabs

ver.9.5 and later
One of the great new features of Miva Merchant 9.5 is the ability to sort the order of the tabs found on the tops of all the different screens inside of the Miva Merchant admin.
Video Length: 3.10 minutes

Saved Admin Searches

ver.9.5 and later
Miva Merchant 9.5 give you the ability to save search queries made in the various pages of the Miva Merchant admin. We take a look at this time saving feature and its settings.
Video Length: 4.00 minutes

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We have a whole section for that, including: Developer Training Series, Template Language docs, Module Development tutorials and much, much more.

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