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Videos | Sorting Display Order of Tabs

One of the great new features of Miva Merchant 9.5 is the ability to sort the order of the tabs found on the tops of all the different screens inside of the Miva Merchant admin.
ver.9.5 and later

Video Transcript

One of the great new features of Miva Merchant 9.5 is the ability to sort the order of the tabs found on the tops of all of the different screens inside of the Miva Merchant Admin. Tabs such as these tabs found in the Category screen, or these tabs found in the “Edit Product” screen. As you know, any tabs that can't fit in the tab row on the top of the screen will be collected into this “...” Ellipsis here. Clicking on this Ellipsis reveals all of the extra tabs tucked away into a drop down menu. Here at the bottom of this list you can see the custom Fields tab. Let's pretend that the Custom Fields tab is a high-use area for the tasks I need to work on when I log into this Store Admin. Because of this I’ll want to move it to a location that I can access more quickly. To do this let's click on the more button and select “Edit Tab Display Order.” A modal pops up listing all of the tabs for the screen. We’ll just grab the Custom Fields tab at the bottom of the list and drag it up to where we want it. Now the Custom Fields tab appears as the second tab in the tab row. While we're on this product tab, notice all of these grey headers; like details, payment rules, and shipping rules. Each header represents a tab section within the tab you’re reviewing. Each tab section can be collapsed, like so. If you're not using them and if we go back into Edit Tab Display Order they appear as indented list items. Their display order can also be sorted within the confines of the tab they reside in by grabbing and dragging them to their desired location so if I wanted the Header and Footer tab section to appear on top I'll just drag it above Details. Now when I click save, we can see that Header and Footer tab now appears first and Details appears as the second tab section on the screen. Any changes you make like this to the visual experience of the Miva Merchant Admin is per user based, so custom changes I make will not affect the experience of another user who also logs into this store admin. Furthermore, the next time my user logs into this store admin, the changes I made will be remembered and the admin pages will appear the same way as I last configured them.

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