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Miva Meetups

Conversion Design For Ecommerce

ver. 9.0 and later
A site could have quality products at reasonable prices, however, its sales could be significantly hindered by a poor user experience. Each roadblock presented to the customer gives them another reason not to complete the purchase. We identify common design mistakes and provide solutions for category and product pages, shopping carts, and checkout.
Video Length: 36.98 minutes

Ecommerce And UX Best Practices

ver. 9.0 and later
While the accepted user experience (UX) principles apply to all websites, ecommerce sites have a greater challenge as these sites have more complex interactions with users including category and product pages, shopping carts, shipping methods, payment options and other components of online buying. Miva's Donna Sandsmark discusses how to improve UX for ecommerce.
Video Length: 44.8 minutes

Getting Started Selling Online

ver. 9.0 and later
For our first Meetup in our new location, Brennan Heyde will be giving a talk on "Getting Started Selling Online." This talk will cover 5 major areas to consider when starting a new eCommerce store: Finding the right products, business rules to live by, getting paid, choosing the right ecommerce platform, and how to fulfill an order.
Video Length: 26.07 minutes

Interview with Mitch Goldstone of ScanMyPhotos

ver. 9.0 and later
Mitch and his co-founder Carl Berman started in the photo printing business 25 years ago. As technology evolved, they shifted to scanning and digitizing physical prints, slides and negatives all via their website, ScanMyPhotos.com.
Video Length: 51.88 minutes

Interview with Robby Stanley of Directfix.com

ver. 9.0 and later
Robby, a former Apple employee, started out his ecommerce journey by offering replacement parts for the Palm Pilots in 2001 and was the first to offer screens for the iPhone in 2007. Their unique video driven approach to acquiring customers quickly made them a market leader in their industry. They now have 100's of "how to" videos on YouTube with some individual videos reaching more than 5 Million views.
Video Length: 55.17 minutes

Interview with Scott Jordan of ScotteVest.com

ver. 9.0 and later
Scott has an wealth of knowledge on how to build a multi-million dollar eCommerce business as well as an amazing story to tell on how he got there. Listen Scott tell his story and learn from a serial entrepreneur trying to change the world one pocket at a time.
Video Length: 56.65 minutes

Responsive Web Design For Ecommerce

ver. 9.0 and later
Responsive Web Design is a great way to give your clients the best experience across any device whether it is on a tablet, desktop, or mobile. In this presentation Brennan Heyde discusses what Responsive Web Design is; the design Challenges Choosing a Responsive Framework; testing a responsive website; and the gotchas to consider for eCommerce.
Video Length: 30.43 minutes

SEO Best Practices for eCommerce Stores

ver. 9.0 and later
Nick Adkins leads a discussion about On-Page Search Engine Optimization (SEO) best practices for eCommerce, offering suggestions on how to improve your search engine ranking position (SERP).
Video Length: 30.72 minutes

Site Speed Optimization

ver. 9.0 and later
A website's speed is a key factor for a successful ecommerce store. Every second of webpage load time will translate into lower conversion rates and lost sales. We discuss why page speed is important and what you can do to make your website load quicker.
Video Length: 27.78 minutes

Taking Your First Steps In Ecommerce

ver. 9.0 and later
Mark Patterson and Ryan Harvey recount their amazing first year of getting Bare Bones Broth Company off the ground. Bare Bones Broth sells natural chicken and beef broth online. Get inspired and learn what worked and what didn't work as these entrepreneurs tell you their story of how they built their growing online business.
Video Length: 66.18 minutes

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