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Shipping Settings

Configure shipping methods for your products. Learn how to set up Free Shipping, Flat Rate Shipping, Fixed Rate Shipping, and more.

Configuring Live Shipping Rates With UPS

ver.9.0 and later
Miva Merchant has the ability to offer your customers real time shipping rates provided by shipping services like UPS, USPS, or FedEx. This video covers the steps and features when setting up UPS in your Miva Merchant store.
Video Length: 3.98 minutes

Shipping Methods at Checkout Based on Products

ver.9.5 and later
In this video we look at three methodologies for controlling what shipping methods customers see at checkout, based on the products they have in their shopping basket at the time: excluding, permitting, and limiting shipping methods.
Video Length: 4.83 minutes

Setting Up Static Shipping Rates

ver.9.0 and later
The sheer number of shipping options that can be configured in the Miva Merchant store means you're sure to find the method that works best for you. This video has a look at setting up static shipping rates in your store.
Video Length: 2.52 minutes

Shipping Method Rules

ver.9.0 and later
Shipping Method Rules help you control which shipping methods are offered to your customers at check out. Watch this video to understand this power tool so you can offer the right shipping options at the right times.
Video Length: 4.92 minutes

Sort Order Of Shipping Options

ver.9.0 and later
Miva Merchant 9 allows you to sort the order in which Shipping Options appear to customers at check out. If you want to change how your shipping options are listed, watch this video.
Video Length: 2.47 minutes

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