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Videos | How To Install PayPal Express Checkout On Miva

In this video we will walk you through how to install and configure PayPal Express Checkout in your Miva Merchant Admin.

Video Transcript

In this video I'm going to walk you through how to configure PayPal Express Checkout in your Miva Merchant store. Before we move forward though, we need to make sure that you already have a standard free account with PayPal. Assuming that you do, we’ll go ahead and proceed.

For this video demonstration, I've created a test dev store. Here we’re in our Admin and we're on the Homepage. You're going to want to go ahead and click on “Menu,” scroll down to “Payment” and then you're going to click on “Add/Remove Modules.” You're going to want to look for the “PayPal Express Checkout and/or Payments Pro.” You'll want to click on the “Install” button. You'll now see that a new tab has been created and you click on the ellipses (...) over here and scroll down. You'll see you have a new tab for “PayPal Express Checkout and/or Payments Pro API Credentials.” Go ahead and click on that. In the PayPal Express Checkout you'll want to set the operation mode to “Production.” Now I'm using a Sandbox environment, so for my demonstration purposes I’ll be using “Sandbox,” but you’ll want to be on the “Production” mode. You'll want to set the currency to the correct currency for your store. Ours is U.S. Dollar. You'll want to enter, if it's not already here, your email address where you would like to receive your PayPal payments. You want to click on “API Credentials for Payments and Post Checkout Operations” and then you want to select the account type to “Express Checkout.” Once you have that information filled out, you'll need to go get your API Username, Password and your API Certificate information that will go in here.

I'll go ahead and show you real quick where you might find that in your account in your PayPal account. In your profile account, you'll see Profile and Settings, click on that. Then this window will come up and you want to click on “My Selling Tools” and then under My Selling Tools you'll see here “API Access.” This is where you'll get your API login account information for the next step.

You want to go ahead now and put in your API Username, Password, put your password in again here to confirm it, click here on the drop-down for API Authentication Method and change it to “Certificate” and then enter your certificate code here. Once you have all that information set up, go ahead and click the “Update” button.

Now that we’ve filled out all our API information, let's go ahead and come back over to our store, hit “Refresh,” we’ll go ahead and place an item in our cart, add it to cart and checkout. I just want to show you what the button looks like. Click “Login” and here you'll see you now have your “Fast Secure Checkout with PayPal” and your “Checkout with PayPal” button. There's also one other button you can display and that is the “PayPal Credit” button. If you'd like to turn that on, you can just come over here to your Admin and under “Payment Settings” just make sure you are on the PayPal Express Checkout tab and you'll see here “Display PayPal Credit button” just go ahead and click that box. Don't forget to hit the “Update” button, come back over to your store and hit “Refresh” and now you can see you've got both PayPal buttons, the Express Checkout as well as the PayPal Credit checkout button. The generic PayPal Express button is automatically added when you install PayPal and then the PayPal Credit one is only installed when you go ahead and click on that button I showed you. Both of them will show up on the Basket page and the OCST page or the “Customer Bill To and Ship To” page. These are by default. You can also customize the buttons, or customize the layout in the page template if you'd like to. And that's all there is to it configuring PayPal Express Checkout in your Miva Merchant Admin.

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