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Videos | Saved Admin Searches

Miva Merchant 9.5 give you the ability to save search queries made in the various pages of the Miva Merchant admin. We take a look at this time saving feature and its settings.
ver.9.5 and later

Video Transcript

New to Miva Merchant 9.5 is the ability to save search queries made in the various pages of the Miva Merchant Admin. We're in the catalog screen of this Miva Merchant test store looking at the batch list of products that have been added to this store. Over to the right we have a search field that allows us to search for specific records in the list. So if I do a search for mug it's going to return results for all products that have the word “mug” in its code or name. If this is a search I do often, I can click into this button called search settings where I can save this search criteria by clicking on “Save Current Search.” I can call it “mugs” or “Show me mugs” and click “Save.” That search criteria will be added to the bottom of the search settings menu. You can also save “Find in List” searches if you go into the search settings menu you can click “Fnd in List.” Now when I do a search for shirt it will highlight all of the products that have the word shirt in my batch list notice the first product that fits the search for shirt is highlight and I can scroll between the shirt products by clicking on these right and left arrows. To save this Fine and List search I'll click into Search Settings and click on “Save Current Search.” I’ll name it “Shirts in list” and save that. Finally we can save an Advanced Search so if we go into Search Settings and click on Advanced Search, let's say we want to find all of the products in the store that are greater than $15 and are also flagged as active products. I'll just click the Search button to fire off this query and if I want to save it I'll go back into Search Settings and then click on Save Search and give it a name. Again, all of my saved searches are saved in my search settings menu at the bottom of this list giving me easy access to view all of my mug products, or all of my shirts in the list, or all products that are greater than $15.

Lastly, if we go back into the Search Settings menu, we have the option of editing my saved searches by clicking on the “Manage Saved Searches” button. Here we can see all of this saved searches that currently exist and I can go in here and change their names, or delete them if they're no longer necessary. You can create saved admin searches on any page inside of the Miva Merchant Admin that allows you to search through a batch list of some sort that includes areas such as products, categories, orders and even your customers. Keep in mind that any saved admin searches are stored on a per-user basis. So when one user logs into the Miva Merchant Admin to create saved admin searches, those saved searches won't be seen by another Miva Merchant Admin. And that's the look at Saved Admin Searches inside of Miva Merchant.

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