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Videos | Mivapay 7 - Email Notifications

The subscription functionality comes with a collection of new Email Notification options. We take a look at what they're for, and where to find them.
ver.9.6 and later

Video Transcript

If you've been using Miva Merchant for any amount of time, you're probably already familiar with the template based email notifications. The most commonly used email notifications would be the emails that get sent out when an order has been placed in the Miva Merchant store. One email goes out to the customer letting them know that the purchase was successfully placed and a different email goes out to the merchant to let them know that they have an order that needs processing. If you're planning on using MivaPay's ability to offer subscription purchases in your store, then you'll want to familiarize yourself with a few new template based emails that pertain to subscriptions in particular. Log into your store admin and click into "Order Fulfillment."

Here we have a batch list of all of the different template based emails in your store. If you scroll down to the bottom of the list you'll find four new email templates; Subscription Authorization Failure, Subscription Cancelled, Subscription Changed and Subscription Created. Each of these four emails get automatically sent out to the customer if a specific event occurs. if we double click into this one, the Subscription Created email, we can see that it's configured to send an email to the customer as soon as that customer creates a new subscription. Keep in mind that this is an email that's in addition to the email that gets sent out when an order is placed. So in actuality, when a customer places an order that has a subscription item in it, they will be receiving two emails from your Miva Merchant store; the Order Confirmation email and this one, the Subscription Created email. This Subscriptions Changed email is configured to send an email to a customer if there is a change in the customers existing subscription. Changes to a customers subscription can be initiated by either the customer or the merchant themselves. In either case, if there are changes, then the customer will receive this email to let them know. Also, as you might have guessed, the Subscription Cancelled email is configured to send an email to a customer if their existing subscription is cancelled for any reason; either by the customers themselves, or by the store owner. And lastly, we have the subscription authorization failure email. You can see that this template email is configured to send an email to the customer in the event there is an authorization failure that occurs when the store attempts to reorder one of the subscriptions that belonged to that customer.

By the way, just like all of the subscription related emails, this email gets sent out to the customer only by default. Some merchants may prefer to be notified email if a subscript fails authorization. If you want to bcc yourself every time there is a failed authorization with a subscription, just add your preferred email address to this BCC field, or copy and paste the store Reply-To variable into the BCC field. If you do that you'll be sent a copy of the authorization failure email which would look something like this.

As with all template based emails in Miva Merchant, you can customize the look and feel of these subscription emails using html and css. To access the template code for these go into "User Interface" and do a search for Subscriptions. Select the email you want to customize, open it and you will gain access to that emails template code. And that's a look at Email Notifications for Subscriptions powered by MivaPay.

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