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Videos | Mivapay 1 - Enabling the Mivapay Service

This video talks about what Mivapay can do, and how to set it up in your store.
ver.9.6 and later

Video Transcript

MivaPay is a service that opens up a wide range of payment functionality for Miva Merchant Store Owners. At the core of the MivaPay service is a tokenization engine that makes it possible for such things as extending the features of your store’s digital wallet so your customers can store payment information with your website, or having a 1 tap check out for mobile shoppers, or even setting up recurring billing or selling subscription products online. MivaPay is compatible with all of the payment gateways found within the Miva Merchant platform and since the customers payment information is handled on the MivaPay servers, sensitive customer credit card data never passes through your website, ensuring a payment experience that is convenient, secure and PCI Compliant. To learn more about MivaPay, visit Miva.com/MivaPay and if you think MivaPay is right for you, you can sign up there as well to get started with the most refined and feature-rich payment experience you can offer your customers.

Once you've signed up for MivaPay, you'll want to activate the service in your store. Let's have a look at how to do that now. To do that, log into your Miva Merchant Store Admin and click into the “Payment Settings” screen and then click into the “Settings” tab. You will see a tab group called “MivaPay Settings.” This is where you activate leave MivaPay in your online store. Here you'll need to paste in three items of information; the Merchant ID, the Secret Key and the Sign In Key. These are assigned to you when you first sign up for the MivaPay service. You can retrieve these three pieces of information by logging into your My.Miva account over at MyMiva.com. Once you've copied and pasted in the required information, be sure to checkmark the “Enabled” box and click on the “Update” button to save your work. That's it for connecting your Miva Merchant store to your MivaPay service. In the next video, we’ll have a look at configuring MivaPay so that it handles the payment options that are presented to your customers during checkout.

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