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Videos | Product Discount

In this video we’re going to look at the Product Discount price group, which is a flexible price group to configuring discount pricing.
ver.9.0 and later

Video Transcript

In this video we're going to look at the “Product Discount Price Group,” which is a flexible price group that allows us to target products in our store for special pricing which can be a fixed dollar value discount or percentage-based discount. The first thing we'll want to do is to log into the Miva Merchant Admin and click into the Marketing area. In this Price Group’s tab we’ll create a new Price Group by clicking on this “+” button here. We can name this Price Group whatever we want. I'll call this one “Fall Sale” and let's make this available to “All Shoppers.” We’ll power this sale using the Product Discount Price Group type. I feel like I want this Fall Sale to take off 20%, so I'll make sure that this field is set to “Percent” and I'll type in “20” in this field. Let's go ahead and save this price group. Now that we have this Fall Sale price group in our store, we can assign a product to it. To do that make sure that your price group is selected in this list here and then click on the “Qualifying Products” button. I'll just add “Book 10” as a Qualifying Product and I want to add Book 10 as a Discounted Product as well. When I set up a price group in this way Book 10 will act as its own qualifying product so as soon as I add it to my shopping basket I'll be able to take advantage of the special pricing this price group offers. Let's go into the store pages and pull up Book 10 here. We can see that the displayed pricing has been modified accordingly and when we add this book to our shopping cart when I go through checkout, I’ll see the discounted pricing and it also tells me which price group is powering this discount, And that's a look at the product discounts price group.

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