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Videos | Advanced Sorting Of Products In Categories

In this video we show you how you can sort the order of products as they appear in categories in your store. We go over the Sort Products button which allows you to sort products in alphabetical order, and the Display Order Menu which gives you a more hands on capability in organizing your products.
ver.9.0 and later

Video Transcript

In this video we want to show you how you can sort the order of products as they appear in a category in your store. I'm going to be using my shirts category as an example, so let's go to the “Add a Product” screen. I'm going to do a search up here for the word “shirts.” Notice the second entry here. It's the Products tab for the Edit Category screen for shirts. This is the one that I want so I'm going to go ahead and click it. As you can see, it takes us to the Products tab for Edit Category Shirts. Right now I see all of the products that are assigned to this category. You can see it that all of these products have their assigned switches checked off to the right and there colored blue. If you're seeing products that aren't assigned like this, then click on this “Show Records” button and make sure that “Show Assigned” is selected.

In a previous video we showed you how clicking on any of these column headers allows you to re sort this data in ascending or descending order based on the column. You can click on these column headers all day and it won't influence the sorting order of your products on the Category Pages. If you want to change the order of your products as they appear on a live category page in your store, then you'll want to focus on these two buttons. The first button is called “Sort Products” and this allows you to sort the products in ascending or descending order based on their name or their code. If displaying your products in alphabetical order to your customers isn't a necessity to you then you'll probably never need this button. If you want to have more Hands-On control on where products appear in a category then you're going to want to use the Display Order Menu. In order to use the Display Order Menu, you'll have to select “Enable Sorting.” Notice that when we enable sorting it refreshes the products that appear in your batch list. They now represent the sorting order as they appear on your live store. Here we have Shirt 1, Shirt 8 and then Shirt 18. Let's go ahead and have a look at the live store page by clicking on “More” and “View on Live Store.” As you can see Shirt 1, Shirt 8 and Shirt 18 are the first three products in this category. Notice that these five options are still greyed out and not selectable. They won't be usable until you have some products selected in your batch list. Now that we have shirts 1 and 8 selected in the batch list we can click on “Move to Bottom” and they are now listed in the end of your category. Let's go back to the live store page and when we go to the last page of this category you can see that shirts 1 and 8 now appear at the end. Let’s try that again, but this time we'll move the red blue and green shirt to the top of the list. I'll just click and drag down to select the red, blue and green shirt and then we'll click on the Display Order Menu and select “Move” to top.

Let's go back to the live store page and when we go back to the first page of this category the red, blue and green shirt are now the first three products in this list. Now let's say we want to make our red, blue and green shirt the 9th 10th and 11th product in the list. Let's click on the Display Order Menu and select “Move to Position.” This reveals pinheads on the left hand side of your batch list. Clicking on any of these pinheads will move the selected products to that area of the list. Now when we go back to the the live store and hit refresh, we can see that our colored shirts are now the 9th, 10th and 11th product in the category.

In my last example, I want to move the blue shirt to be the first shirt in this category and the green product to be the 5th product in this category. And for that I want to show you the Edit Display Order Feature. Clicking on Edit Display Order reveals a column on the left called Order. Each record in this batch list gets a numeric value which represents their display order in the category. As you can see the blue shirt is currently set to 10. I’m going to change that to 1 and the green shirt is currently set to 11. I'm going to change that to 5. Once I've made all the changes I need to make I can hit the return key on my keyboard and the store saves my changes. Let's go back to the live store Page and hit refresh and we can see that the blue and green shirts are now the first and fifth products respectively.

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