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Videos | Assigning Products To Categories

Once you get products in your store, you'll want to assign them to categories. This video takes you step-by-step in doing just that.
ver. 9.0 and later

Video Transcript

In this video we're going to show you how you can manually assign a product to a category from inside of the Miva Merchant Store Admin. There are two areas in the admin where you can assign a product to a category and that's from working inside of the Edit Product screen or working from inside the Edit Category screen. We’ll start with editing a product. We're going to click into “Catalog” and by default the Catalog loads us into the “Products” tab. I'm going to do a search really quick for the product that I want to work with. Here's the item I want. It's called “Woodsong Dreadnaught” and I'm going to go into its Edit Products screen by clicking on this “Go to” Icon here. If you look at the top of the screen you can tell we are now in the Edit Product screen for the Woodsong Dreadnought guitar and on the screen you will notice that there are a number of tabs here. We're looking for the Categories tab, but you won't be able to see it. It turns out I'm doing a screen capture for this video and I'm making my screen resolution smaller than it normally would be to make things easier to read. Now because my screen is smaller than it normally is, it isn't able to show you every tab on this screen and any tabs that it can't fit is collapsing into these three dots here. If I click on these three dots, you'll notice that the Categories tab that we were looking for has been tucked away neatly in this drop down menu. I’m going to click into “Categories” and here is a list of all of the categories that are in my store. Any categories at this product is assigned to, you can tell because of this colored switch here that's moved to the right position. I can assign and unassign products to categories by clicking on these switches. Right now it's showing me a list of every category in my store. I can actually filter down this list by clicking on this “Show” button. I can filter this list to show only categories this product is assigned to, or to show only categories that this product is not assigned to. Down here we have a category called “Musical Instruments and Gear.” I think the Woodsong guitar fits that description, so I'm going to go ahead and assign this product to this category as well. The secondary area in the admin where you can assign a product to a category is from inside the Edit Category screen of the category you're working with.

Let's have a look at that now. We're going to go ahead and click into “Catalog” and we're going to move into the Categories tab and find the category that we want to work with. In this case I want to work with “Musical Instruments and Gear.” I'm going to click on this “Go to” icon here. Looking up here I can see that now I'm in the Edit Category page for the “Musical Instruments and Gear” category. From this Edit Category page I can see that there are two tab here. The second tab is called Products,” which is where we want to be. On the screen I can see a list of all of the different products in my store. I can filter this list to show me only products that are assigned to this category, or only products that are not assigned to this category. I could also just leave it in the default view where it shows me all products. Any products not assigned to this category has a greyed-out switch under the “Assigned” column and the switch is to the left position. Any products that are assigned to this category has a colored switch and a switch rests in the right position. I’m going to go ahead and assign this guitar amp and this red guitar to the Musical Instruments and Gear category by clicking on their switches. And that's how you can manually assign products to your categories from inside of your Miva Merchant store.

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