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Videos | Attribute Templates

Learn to create Attribute Templates that can be applied to multiple products.
ver. 9.0 and later

Video Transcript

Here we are in my test store under the category called “Number Shirts.” I have 20 different shirts numbered 1 through 20 and if I click into one of these shirts you can see that they do not have any sort of attributes. Today I want to set up a size attribute for all of these shirts with the options of small, medium and large. I'm going to create a shirt size attribute template which I can reuse for each of my shirt products.

To create an attribute template log into your Store Admin and click into your Catalog and then click on the Attribute Templates tab. To create a new attribute template, click on the “+” sign and give your new attribute template a code and a prompt. Click the “Add” button to save your work and you can see I am now in the “Edit Attribute Template” screen for my new attribute template called shirts. Next we want to add some attributes and options to this attribute template by clicking on the “Attributes and Options” tab. Click the “Add Attribute” button. We're going to give this attribute a code of “Size” and a prompt of “Size.” The code is the value of this attribute as it pertains to the database and the prompt is what the customer will see prompting them to select an option for this attribute. You can create different types of attributes like radio buttons, drop-down lists, checkboxes, text fields, text areas or swatches. For this attribute, I'm going to select “Drop Down.” Over here there are two columns I can interact with “r” and “i..” R stands for “Required” and “I” stands for “Inventory” if I want to set up this attribute for inventory variants. Let's make this attribute “Required” and then click “Save Attribute.” Now that we have and attribute called size, let's go ahead and define some attribute option values. I’ll give a code of SM for “Small” hit “Return” and then MD for “Medium,” hit “Return” and lastly LG for “Large” and then hit return to add that option.

So to recap, we created an attribute template called shirts and the attribute template has an attribute called size and that attribute has three options called small, medium and large. I’m going to pull up a shirt product and click into its “Attributes” tab. From here I want to click on the “Add Template” button and this drop down should include the attribute template that I created. I'll select it and I can either copy it or link it. Clicking on the link button will add the attribute template to this product exactly as I configured it when I set up the attribute template. Clicking on “Copy” adds the Attribute Template to this product in a way where I can go back and edit this attribute template as it pertains to this specific product. I can pull up another shirt product, go into its attributes and quickly add the attribute template to this product as well. If we go back to the store I can pull up Shirt 1 and Shirt 2 and you can see that they now have sizing options on their product pages. And that's how you set up Attribute Templates in Miva Merchant.

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