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Videos | Basket Discount

We show you how you can offer discounts to your customers basket total.
ver. 9.0 and later

Video Transcript

In this video I want to show you how you can set up a percentage discount off of a Shoppers entire basket. Say if you wanted to offer a shopper 20% off of their basket. You could also mark it as a 20% off storewide sale. To get that setup, log into your Miva Merchant store and click into the Marketing area. Let's create a new price group by clicking on this “+” button. Let's name this price group “Save 20%.” “All shoppers” are eligible for this savings and I want to click on this drop down list and select “Basket Discount” for the price groups type. Let's change the discount from 0. We're going to change it to say “20” and right now that's $20 off the basket total. I want to change this word from Fixed to “Percent” and now we're offering the shopper 20% off, instead of $20 off. If you want, you could give this savings a basket description. I'm just going to copy the name here and paste it under “Basket Description.”You can define when you want this sale to start and when you want this sale to end. For instance, if you wanted to have a Black Friday sale I might start the sale on midnight on the 28th and end this sale the following Monday, December 1st. But I want to show you the sale now, so let me just uncheck these start and end times. Let's go ahead and click on “Save” and that's going to add that price group to my store. Finally let’s go to the store and add some products to my basket. I’m going to click on these Black Boots. They're worth $100 and these Black Boots are triggering our 20% discount and you can see that 20% of 100 is $20 and it drops my $100 sub total down to $80. And that's a breakdown of the Basket Discount Price Group in Miva Merchant 9.

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