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Videos | Configuring State Based Sales Tax

In this tutorial we're going to look at the process of setting up some State Based sales tax rules so that your Miva Merchant store collects sales tax for purchases made by customers in specific states.
ver.9.0 and later

Video Transcript

One of the most important responsibilities you'll have as an online Merchant is configuring your store to properly collect sales tax. In this tutorial we're going to look at the process of setting up some state-based sales tax rules so that this Miva Merchant store collect sales tax for purchases made by customers in states that I'm obligated to collect sales tax in. To get started we’ll want to be in the Store Settings area of the Miva Merchant Admin. Here we'll find a tab called State-Based Sales Tax. Click into that and we’ll be taken to an essentially blank screen. It's likely there will be a message here reading “No Content to Display” and that's because we haven't yet configured any sales tax rules in this test store. To add a new rule simply click on this “+” sign here and a new entry in your state based sales tax batch list will be created. I happen to be located in Austin, Texas. So in the state drop-down-menu I'll want to scroll down and select Texas and in the rate percent column I want to type in 8.25. Notice that configure in this way your store will collect sales tax based on the subtotal of your customer’s shopping basket, disregarding any shipping fees that might have apply to their purchase. If you need to calculate sales tax with shipping fees factored in, just toggle this switch here. When you're done configuring this state based sales tax rule, you can press the “Enter” key on your keyboard or this “Save Record” button to save your work. You'll be prompted to add another state based sales tax rule if you need to add more. Since I have Nexus in California as well,I'll repeat the process for California. Here I’ll type in 8% and save my work. Now when a customer in California makes a purchase from my Miva Merchant store, I'll collect an 8% sales tax and if the customer is from Texas, I'll collect an 8.25% sales tax. Keep in mind sales tax is a very nuanced and personalized thing based on your particular situation. I highly encourage you to have a true understanding on what your tax obligations are as this setup may or may not satisfy all of your sales tax requirements.

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