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Videos | Getting To Know Miva Merchant 9

Big changes are in store in Miva Merchant Version 9. We walk you through the new store admin to showcase the redesigned layout and added functionality so you'll know exactly what to expect when Version 9 is released in just a few weeks.
ver. 9.0 and later

Video Transcript

This video is designed show you around the new Miva Merchant Store Admin in Miva Merchant 9. Let’s start with this Login Screen. The screen looks like this now and you just type in your Username and Password and click this Call to Action button and it will take you to the newly-designed Store Admin Homepage. Here you'll see a bulletin board, which you'll be familiar with if you're using Miva Merchant Version 5.5. This is our primary way of communicating to our users about what's happening in “Miva Merchant land.” Up here you'll see that there's a button called “Menu” and you can click on this to expand it. It's the Navigational Tree that you're used to on the left hand side in Miva Merchant 5.5, but the tree’s been replaced with this Menu button and it can pop up on the screen and go away when you're not using it. A little down here you'll see a new area called “Quicklinks” and Quicklinks is found specifically on the homepage and it has an icon for every location inside of the Store Admin. It doubles as a secondary navigational tool. It doubles every link found in the Menu button. Up here you also have a History button and it shows you all of the places in the Admin that you've been and this is per user. So if a few days ago you were in some portion of the store Admin and you don't recall where you were, you can review your history list and the history list is also a navigational tool and any list item found in this list you can also click on and it will take you there.

Next we have a Bookmark button. I'll go more in-depth into bookmarks in a little bit. Over to the right you have a drop down menu for your store selection. If you have a second or third store in your Miva Merchant installation, you'll be able to jump between them here.

Finally, we've got all new Search Bar. The Search Bar actually has a hotkey so you can focus on your Search Bar by holding down Alt /. The Search Bar does fuzzy searching and what that means is you can do multiple partial searches. For instance, if I type “ne sh,” it’s going to return a bunch of areas in the Store Admin, including possible categories or possible products or customers. Here you can see it found the letters “ne” in the word “one” and the letters “sh” in the word shirt. Down here you see the “ne” for “nine” and the “sh” for “shirt.” The way it returns these search results is it finds the shortest result first and then displays them in that order, from shortest to longest. You can see that when I do a search for the word “settings” it found possible results for the products area of your store, also your Store Settings, Order Fulfillment, Shipping, Payments, etc.

The search bar is completely navigable via your keyboard, so you can use your left and right arrow keys to scroll through these different buckets so to speak. You can use your up and down arrows to cycle through these options and when you find something that you're looking for, you just hit “Return” and the store will take you there. Doing a search for the word “shirt” returns possible products and possible categories and also possible attribute templates that have the word “shirt” in it. It's also worth noting that clicking on the Miva Merchant 9 logo on the top right from anywhere in the Store Admin will take you back to the Admin Homepage.

I'm going to click into the Custom Fields tab which is found under the Utility Settings area of my Store Admin and if I want to make a Bookmark of this tab, I can click on this flag here. If the flag is up it means this page is not a bookmark, but if I click on it the flag drops down which which is a visual indicator that I've bookmarked this area. Furthermore, I will be able to see my bookmarks by clicking on this Bookmark button here. If I wanted to add another Bookmark, say the Category Display Page here, we are in the Category Display Page Template, I can click on this flag to bookmark this page and it will appear in my list of bookmarks. I can also edit my bookmarks by clicking on this Bookmarks Manager and if I wanted to edit this one I can select this record and then click this “Edit” button, or I can also just double-click this line item and rename the record to whatever I want and when I'm done editing I just hit the Return key to save my work. Then I'll edit this one as well by double-clicking on it. Clean up the bookmark title and hit Return, when I go back to my bookmarks, they will retain the edited bookmark titles. These bookmarks are clickable, so I can jump straight to them by selecting them from my bookmarks menu.

Right away looking at these Quicklinks, you'll notice that products and categories are missing. In actuality what we did was group products and categories into a new area which we call “Catalog.” If you click into the Catalog, it will take you to the products in your store. You'll notice that the Catalog has a Categories tab, which if you click into it, it will allow you to edit all of the categories in your store.

Anytime you see a list like this in Miva Merchant 9, we call this a Batch List. So this would be a Batch List of all of the categories and this is a Batch List of all of my products. Let me go to customers and you will see a Batch List of all of my customers. What’s interesting about the Batch List is, it's completely editable. Let me go back into the Products Batch List and for right now I only have a code column, which are the product codes for all of my products and name, which are the product names for all of my products. I can actually reveal more columns by clicking on this button here and any columns that I want to show into this Products Batch List I just check mark it. So maybe I want to see which products are active, maybe I want to see their descriptions, the main images and price for every product and I can click and hold any of these column names and drag them to reposition the column to where I might want them. You can also grab these handlebars here and drag them to make the columns wider, or less wide, depending on what your needs are. When you modify the look of this batch list, it will be automatically saved and that's a per-user save. So when I logout of my store and go back into that batch list, it will retain the look as I left it.

You can edit a product in this list by clicking on this icon here for any of the products, or if you click on a product it will select it and you can click on this button up here and that will take you to the Edit Product Page as well. You can also edit right from the screen. In Version 5.5 there was an concept called “Edit Here” and Edit Here no longer exists. Instead, you can just find the record that you want to edit and double click it and it will allow you to change whatever you need changed right on the screen and when you're done just a return and it's automatically saved. You can also select multiple records from the batch list. If I click on this product and then hold shift and click this product it will select the two products I clicked on and every product in between. You can also click on a product and hold the Command Key on a Mac or the Control Key on PC and cherry pick the records that you want to select. Also, if I click on a product and hold and drag my mouse down that is another option for selecting multiple records. Lastly, if I click into a product and hit Command A on a Mac or Control A on a PC it will select every kind of pain that list.

By default when you're viewing Miva Merchant Store Admin from a computer, all of your batch lists will be set up in infinite scroll mode and what that means is the system will only load the records that you need at the time to be viewable and as you scroll down this list, it will load more records as you need them. he infinite scroll is a future that works really well on a PC or on a computer and we found that it actually doesn't work as well on mobile devices so if you logged into your version nine store using a smartphone or iPad same it won't have this infinite scroll set up by actually have a pagination view and let me show you what the page looks like by going into users edit my user settings going to change this to “Force to show pagination,” even if I'm viewing it on a computer and when I go back to my categories you'll see this toolbar Pop up that shows me what page I'm on shows me how many pages there are and I have paging navigational buttons and this is closer to what you would find if you're reviewing your store admin from a mobile device even if you have pagination setup for your computer you still have that control a select all hotkey available to you and actually select all of the records on every page let me turn off pagination and I'm going to go back to the homepage you could actually get to almost everything in the store admin via the search bar which I find really helpful but to just show you around the place and then try to refrain from using the search part too much even though I think it's the preferred way of navigating and I'm going to try to manually get to the different locations in the store another location that I want to show you is the pages area pages is now found under user interface and that takes you straight to the pages Tab and here are all of the page templates in the store and then it go in to say that category page here you can see the page Template Code. Now there's only one Items here and all of you all tabs are now appearing down here in separate sections here's the category product list layout here is the category product list image Dimensions so these are all separate sections all under the page Tab and notice that all of these different sections have arrows to the far-right of them which you can actually click and you can collapse that area so they're collapsible and that's kind of a design logic that you'll find all over me from Merchants Version 9 and their collapse State being open or being closed is saved on a user level as well so if you close details and then you left the pages area and want back in that layout will retain the the way you set it up the last time you were there one thing to point out is there used to be Global items that were found literally all over the place in miva merchant 5.5 places like the category tree used to have a tab here in edit page and Global header and footer used to have a tab of their own also on edit page screens Global areas like that are no longer found in places like edit page in fact the global header for instance is only found in one place in the admin and that's your interface and then the settings tab if you scroll down here you'll see the category tree template you'll see the navigation bar smart bread crumbs and then Global header and footer this is the only place that you will find the global header and footer template code anywhere in the store app admittedly the developers of the software understand that this varies the global header just a little bit and they're playing around with some ideas on how to alleviate that if you're used to using the search bar that's not so much of a big deal because you can just go search for the global header like this and it will take you straight to it but another option is to be able to bookmark these different collapsible sections which at this time you cannot do so that's actually some talks on the table that you'll be able to access the global headers right from this bookmark menu if you set it up as bookmark every time you add an item to a area of the store admin to get tacked onto the end of this tab row here for instance if I go to let's go into utilities. Next the area where you can add and remove modules got moved to the end of this tablist they used to appear in the front here and now when you go into an area like utility settings it will take you straight to one of the modules you have already installed so template-based batch reports is a tab that's installed so is this custom Fields tab so is Google Analytics and the add and remove module option is at the end of this tab menu you actually can't see it because it's been tucked away in this drop down menu inversion 5.5 V also I had a type of tab layout but every time there were more tabs than can fit in one row it got pushed down into the next row so it created a second row and often times you would see a third and a fourth row Etc in Version 9 we did away with all of that multiple row concept and every time you have more tabs than can be fit into the real estate of 1 row they get tucked away in this... Menu which if you click you will see a drop-down showing you all of the different tabs that couldn't fit in that row and here we see the add and remove modules and the way the atom remove modules area is set up you see all of the available modules that you can install in this section and then there's another section that shows you all of the installed modules that you can remove and these different sections are also collapsible and that's a quick way to get to go straight to uninstalling a module is to collapse this top section here and I can see which modules I have installed and to install a module for instance the image management module I just click on this install button and it will move from the available modules list 2 installed modules list here let's pull up the orders batch list Irrigon see a list of all of my orders in this test store and if I wanted to view the order details I can select it and click this “Edit” button and this is what the Order Details looks like in version 9. It is pretty similar to what you might be used to in Version 5.5, but we’ve cleaned it up a bit. You fasten introduced some added functionality in that you're able to go straight to the next order by using just the arrow keys on your keyboard so here I'm heading the up and down arrows to cycle through the different order records you can still create new orders from this page for instance of someone called you over the phone you just click this plus sign and you can take their order right from this order processing area Add item to my product how many want to cell maybe add another product and if I had payments set up I can authorize it by clicking on this authorize button powerful feature that we added for the batch list is the advanced search feature, which you can get to by clicking on this link here. Advanced search available on every batch list for products or categories in this example we're looking at orders you can't set up an advanced search to show you only orders that have that were taken on a specific date or maybe between a specific date range you can search for the first name of a customer or the last name you can search by the name of the customer’s Or maybe their phone or maybe even their state or zip code you can also search for specific products that were in their order or orders that were greater than $500 and after you've configure this advanced search to your needs you can hit search and it will filter all of your records in your batch list to accommodate that advanced search so let's pretend I had a lot of orders and my advanced search filtered my results down to this number I can select all of these returned results since I'm showing the the billing email column I can click this CSV button and it will allow me to save this as a CSV file and I can take that and imported into my email Mailing Service if I wanted to send out a promotional that was from my store. You'll notice that there are these buttons here that give you different options and they go away and appear depending on what you have selected so we have this new dynamic option functionality in Miva Merchant 9 and that might take a little bit of getting used to because here I'm showing these options like this CSV, to Edit Record, Create Batch List and these options will come and go depending on what I'm focusing on either a single record or multiple records and that's the same thing for saying the Product Batch list. Here I'm very limited to what options are available to me until I actually select a record and now I can output that record to CSV, I can go to its edit product page, I can go and edit the product right from the screen, or delete the product and I can also select multiple records and my options change.

There are a number of ways in which you can sort the displaying of these products. I can sort them in alphabetical order; either alphabetically by name, or by code, ascending or descending. If I click on this button here, it will show me another column called “Order” and this allows me to move products around in my list by editing their numeric value. So for instance, if I wanted this “two” shirt to appear in the top of this list, I can select it, change its numeric value to 1 and hit return and now the two shirt appears on the top of the list. I have further sorting options. If I click on this button to sort by Active or Inactive, Sort by Alternate Display Page, Canonical Page, Code or Cost, etc. and so forth.

Let's add a product image to one of these products. I’m going to go into it's Edit Products screen. This is the Edit Product Screen for my One Shirt product. In version 5.5, there were two fields called a thumbnail and full-sized images. We’ve de-emphasized the thumbnail full-sized image fields. If you scroll down to the bottom of the page you will see an area we call “Legacy Images” where you will find the thumbnail image and the full-sized image fields. This is our way of encouraging people to not use this, but for people who have had Miva Merchant Stores for some time then it's possible that they are still using these fields so we didn't remove it from the system. If I scroll back to the top of this page, you will see a tab called “Images” which in Version 5.5 it used to be called “Additional Images,” but this is now on top and were emphasizing and encouraging people to click into this tab to add their product images to their store. This One Shirt product currently has no images assigned to it. If there were, they would appear in this batch list, but right now you can see it has a message that says “no content to display.” To add an image to this product, you just click on this “Add Images” button and it will pull up the image picker which is new to Miva Merchant 9. If the image files that you want to assign to this product have already been uploaded to your graphics directory, you will be able to scroll through all of these product images and select the image you want to use by clicking on it and you're able to pick multiple product images in this way. If the images are not already on the server, you can upload them by clicking the “Upload” button. You can select multiple images and click this “Choose” button and it will upload images to your server.

At this time you can even assign image types to these different images and then click the “Select Images” button to save those new images to this product. To view this product, I can click on this “More” button and I will be able to see this option, “View on Live Store” and that opens up another tab in my browser and it takes me to the Product Display page of the product I was working on. Here are the two product images that we just uploaded.

Another new thing found in Miva Merchant 9 is Two Factor Authentication, which isn't configured by default. You have to turn it on by going into Domain Settings and you can scroll down this list until you see the Password Settings section and look for something called TOTP, which stands for “time-based, one-time password” and you turn it on by check marking “Enable TOTP” which is powered by Google Authenticator. Then you click “Update.” Now I have TOTP configured for my store. I have to configure a user to use TOTP, so I'm going to go into my Users area, I’m going to edit my account. Here I'm editing my User account. I’m going to click on “Manage Two-Factor Authentication” and I have to enable it. Here that gives me a key which I can type into my Google Authenticator, or I can take a picture of this QR Code. Google Authenticator is an app that you have to download onto your smartphone and let me pull up my phone here. I downloaded this off of the Apple App Store and that's what the Google Authenticator application looks. I’m going to tap into it and we have to add this site to Google Authenticator and I'm going to click on this “+” button and I can manually type in the key which is right here, or I can just take a picture of the barcode by tapping on “Scan Barcode.” Now that I have assigned the Miva Merchant store to my Google Authenticator app, it will show me a Time-based password right here and you can see that I only have a small window to utilize that password before it expires. It's worth noting that this password that got generated, it's time based so it doesn't require any sort of connectivity. So even if my telephone had no reception, or could not connect to the internet whatever the password it generates here will be accurate and Miva Merchant’s Two-Factor Authentication functionality will work with it. Also since it is time based, if your server’s time is incorrect, if it's configured with the wrong time, then it's going to throw off this time based two-factor authentication and you will have trouble using Google Authenticator to log into your Miva Merchant store. Let me go ahead and log out really quick. Now you'll notice that there is an Authentication field that you have to fill out as well as your Username and Password. Let me go ahead and type in my Username and Password and then this key and then I can click “Sign In” and I just used Two-Factor Authentication to login to my Store Admin. Let me go ahead and turn that off really quick.

Lastly, we introduced into Miva Merchant the ability to set up coupons and create sales, which are found in the Marketing area of the Store Admin. I wanted to bring up that we do have that functionality installed in Version 9, but we won't be able to go over it in this recording, because there's enough content in just the Marketing area to warrant its own webinar. This is been a quick peek of some of the new layouts and functionalities found the new Miva Merchant Version 9 Store Admin.

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