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Videos | Google Shopping 2 - Adding Products

Google Shopping is an product search service which can display your online products right in a user's google search results screen. This video will teach you how to add your products.
ver.9.6 and later

Video Transcript

Once you have your Google Merchant Center connected to your Miva Merchant store you're ready to start adding products to Google Shopping from inside your Store Admin. Note, if you have products which use inventory variants and they have attributes such as size, color, material, or pattern, you will need to go into each inventory variant product and populate the Google Shopping settings for each of those products with the correct data. Doing so will allow Miva to send up individual product listings for each inventory variant product. We’ll cover this in another video for those who need to add more complex product offerings to Google Shopping and this video will be adding to Google Shopping a simple guitar strings product which has no attributes. Let me do a search for the product I'll be working with, Guitar Strings. From the Edit Products Screen for the Guitar Strings product I want to go into the Google Shopping Product Settings tab. This screen will allow us to prep information specific to this product that Google requires before submitting the product for listing on Google Shopping. All of the bold fields on the screen are required and at the bare minimum you'll want to make sure that you've also filled out the Google Product Category field, the description, the global trade item number field, the manufacturer part number field and the brand field. For Google Product Category Google only accepts predefined categories to be typed into this field here, so you'll have to look up the category that pertains to the product you're working with.

Google provides lists and spreadsheets of their category taxonomy which you can download at this URL. We've included the URL below this video for your convenience. Since I'm adding a guitar strings product, I'll do a search for guitar strings in the spreadsheet I downloaded. Here is the category I need. I can copy the Category ID Code and paste it into the Google Product Category field inside of Miva Merchant. Next let's add the Global Trade Item number. Since I'm in the US I need to paste the 12-digit UPC Code for this product. Now I'll add the manufacturer part number and the brand. The last thing I want to do in this example is scroll down to the bottom of the screen and check mark the image or images I want to include with this Google Shopping Listing. When I'm done I want to click on the “Update” button to save my work. Now that this product is prepped for Google Shopping we can create a product on Google Shopping. To do that let’s scroll back up to the top of the screen and click into the Google Shopping Products tab. On this tab we would see a list of all the Google Shopping listings we have for this guitar strings product. None are shown because we don't have any yet. Let’s add one now by clicking on the “Create Product” button and then we just have to click on “ADD.” Congratulations, you've just created your first listing on Google Shopping.

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