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Videos | Installing Pay with Amazon on Miva Merchant 9.x

Installing Pay with Amazon on Miva Merchant 9.x
ver.9.0 and later

Video Transcript

This video will demonstrate how to activate and configure Amazon payments in Miva Version 9. To begin, log into the Miva Merchant dashboard as usual. If you're using Miva Merchant 5 or later, this is typically found at yoursitedomain.com/mm5/admin.mvc. Pay with Amazon is built into Miva Merchant 9. You can see your version of Miva Merchant 9 in the information section. To activate and configure Pay with Amazon, click “Payment Option” in the quick links menu. Click on “Add/Remove Modules” near the top and you should see the Amazon Payments module. Just click on “Install” and once the module is installed you will be taken to the configuration screen. This is where we will configure all the details for Pay with Amazon in Miva Merchant. These first four values are found in your Amazon Seller Central Account. Copy and paste the values from your Seller Central Account in the fields below. For additional help in locating these values, see our additional help resources. Be sure to watch out for any additional spaces that may have carried over from copying. The next few fields have default values. Most sellers like these values, so we will leave these fields alone. The default transaction timeout is set to 0, which enables synchronous authorizations. We recommend this setting for most sellers.

Instant Capture is unchecked by default for sellers that prefer to capture funds at shipping. However, if you would like to capture funds at the time an order is placed, you will want to check this box. The last field defaults to sandbox. The sandbox setting is used to test transactions using the Amazon Payments button. To test in sandbox mode, you will need to create a Sandbox account in Seller Central. See our additional help content for assistance with that. Once you are content with the tests, come back to this page and switch this to production. Now that you have filled in all the required fields, you can now click “Update” to finish the Amazon Payments configuration. You should see a confirmation message, “Payment Settings Updated.” The configuration is now finished. We now have our module configured, so let's see what the plug-in looks like on the website. Here on the cart page of our sample site you can see the Pay with Amazon button. This button only shows if we've configured Amazon Payments correctly.

Let's click on it to see what it does. A pop-up appears asking me to sign in with my Amazon account. Since the Amazon Payments plugin is in sandbox mode, I should log in using the test account I mentioned earlier. If you are already in production mode, you can use any active Amazon account as long as it is not using the same email address tied to your Seller Central account. After signing in, I am taken to a page that shows Amazon's address book widget that displays address is saved in my Amazon account. If I wanted to ship to a different address, I could do so by selecting the “Add New” button. This next page shows the read-only address Widget. The user can't change the address, but they can still see it. Next the read-only address widget remains, but now we can see the payment method widget. This widget displays the various payment method saved in my Amazon account. When I click continue, my check out is finished. This confirmation screen displays information from the Pay with Amazon widgets. Now, orders made with Pay with Amazon will appear in your Miva Merchant dashboard like any other order. Here on the order screen, you can see the test order I just placed. Let's click on the order number to see more details. This screen should look just like any other order on Miva Merchant, but over here at Payment Type we can see that this order was filled using Amazon Payments. Pay with Amazon automatically authorizes the transaction when the user initially places an order, so you will not need to use this Authorize button. When you are ready to capture the funds, click the “Capture” button and a pop-up will appear. Miva Merchant requires that you capture the full amount. So simply click the “Capture” button here on the pop up. Just like other orders, you can refund the purchase right here from the order screen. Looks like everything is working like it should and I hope your installation of the Pay with Amazon plug-in for Miva Merchant goes just as smoothly. Don't forget to switch from “Sandbox” to “Production” back on the configuration screen. If you are having issues, go to Seller Central and click on “Contact Seller Support” at the bottom of the page. From there, click on “Integration” and find the topic that most closely fits your issue so you can send an email to our support staff here at Amazon.

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