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Videos | Manage FTP Users with My.Miva

ver.9.0 and later

Video Transcript

Your Miva Merchant hosting package doesn't come pre-configured with FTP access to your website directories. If you need to have access to your web directories, you can configure an FTP user account from you’re my.miva control panel. To do so, log into your my.miva control panel and in the sidebar menu look for the section called “Website Settings” and click on the “FTP Users” link. If you have any existing FTP users set up, they will appear in a list on this page. To add a new FTP user, click on the “Add User” button on the upper right corner of the screen. Type the desired username and password and click on the “Add User” button on the bottom to complete the process. Your new FTP user is now configured and will appear in the list on the FTP Users page.

It's preferable that you manage your FTP User Information from inside the my.miva Control Panel. Adding and removing FTP users from here automatically manages your list of FTP users in your Plesk back-end. Whereas, adding and removing FTP users from Plesk, does not automatically sync with my.miva. So changes made in Plesk will not be reflected here. If you are a longtime Miva customer you may already have FTP users that had been configured in your account that do not appear here. So, if you need to access Plesk to manage FTP users, you can do so by going into the sidebar menu Website Settings and clicking on the Website Settings link. On this page, clicking on the Launch Site Control Panel button will log you into your Plesk back end. From here, locate the domain name you are working with and click on the “Show More” Tab and then click into FTP access. You will see a list of all existing FTP users. You have the ability to add a new user by clicking on the “Add New FTP Account” button. You can delete users by checking the “Target User” and clicking on the “Remove” button and you can update a user's password by clicking on the “User” and editing its details. Once more, we advise that you use my.miva to add and remove ftp account users to keep both environments in sync with each other. You should only use Plesk if your FTP accounts are pre-existing and are already not in sync with your my.miva account. And that's how you manage FTP users using my.miva.

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