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Videos | Managing Title Tags In Miva Merchant

In Miva Merchant 9.4 and later you are able to manage your title tags on a page template, category, and product level. Find out how to take control of the title tags in your store by watching this video.
ver.9.4 and later

Video Transcript

In this video we're going to be taking a look at how to manage Title Tags inside of your Miva Merchant store. Let's view the Storefront page by clicking on "Menu" and scrolling down to "View Store." Here we are on the storefront page of this test store. Now by default the title tags for all of your store pages are automagically generated by the Miva Merchant software. If we view the source of this storefront page and look into the head content, you'll see a line of code for the title tag here. And the title value is Miva Merchant 9.4. You can see the title tag value being printed up here as a title for this tab in my browser. We see it saying Miva Merchant 9.4 because that's the name of this test store. If we go back into the Admin, and click into the Store Settings, you'll find a field called "Store Name" and as you can see it is set to read "Miva Merchant 9.4." If I added the letter a at the end, it directly effects the title tag value. If we go into another page, like the About Us page, you can see that the title tag is handled a little bit differently. Here we can see that the title tag value is now the name of the store: About Us followed by the name of the page About Us. The same applies if we go into the Contact Us page, or the Shipping and Return Policy page. It's always going to be the name of the Store: followed by the name of the page.

Title Tag behavior is a little bit different for pages like the Category Display page and the Product List Display page. So if we go into the Shirts Category, you can see that the title tag is now the name of the store: the name of the category. If we go into the product page for this one shirt, we can see that the title is the name of the store: the name of the product. That's the default behavior for all of the title tags in this test store as it's configured with the CSSUI Framework. In Miva Merchant 9.4 and later you have the capability of overwriting this default behavior on a product level, on a category level, and on a page level. Let's go back into the Admin and we'll click into the catalog and have a look at how you can modify a title tag on a product level. Lets go ahead and pull up the one shirt we were looking at. Once you're in the "Edit Product" page for the product you want to edit, you'll want to click into the SEO tab. If you don't see the SEO tab, click on this ellipsis and you should find it in the drop down. Here you'll find a field called "Page Title" adding content here will override the title tag values specific for this products product page. So if I type "This is one great shirt " and click "Update" when we go back into the store and hit Refresh, you'll see that the title tag is overwritten with the phrase that we've typed in. Let's go back up to the Shirts category and as you can see the Two shirt still has the default title tag behavior. Only the "One's" title tag has been affected. If we go back up to the Shirts category, we can override the default title tag for this Category as well. For that, we'll have to go back into the Catalog and click into "Categories." We'll want to edit the "Shirt" category. From this page we want to click into the SEO tab and again, we'll find a field called "Page Title." Adding content to this field will override the default title tag value for this specific category. So I'm going to type "Shirts by Miva," then I'll hit Update to save. Now when I click back into my store and hit refresh you can see that the title tag is now "Shirts by Miva."

Lastly I want to show you how you can override a title tag for a specific page template. So we'll scroll down and click on the "About Us" page as an example. Again, we have the name of the store called Miva Merchant 9:4 followed by a : and then the name of the page which is "About Us." We're going to overwrite that by editing the "About Us" page template. For that we need to go into the Admin and click into the User Interface area. From here we want to edit the "About Us" page located in this batch list. So we'll click this button, and just like before you will find an SEO tab for this page template, click on it and here is the field called "Title." This time I'm going to type, "All About Miva Merchant" and hit "Update" to save. Now when we click back into the store and hit "Refresh" we can see that we're overwritten the title tag value. And that's how you can modify title tags in Miva Merchant on a product level, category level or a page level.

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