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Videos | Mivapay 3 - Customer’s Stored Payment Card Information

We have a look at how customers can store payment card information on your store using Mivapay.
ver.9.6 and later

Video Transcript

With MivaPay full installed and configured in your Miva Merchant store as covered in the first two videos of this MivaPay video series, your customers are able to enjoy the full benefits that the MivaPay service offers. One of those key benefits is the ability to retain information within a digital wallet on your online store. Bare in mind that saying, "the payment information is saved in your store" is a simplification of what's really happening. With MivaPay, all payment information is routed directly to the MivaPay servers, and then to your Payment Gateway. Credit card data never touches your store. All your store has to concern itself with is the tokenized data MivaPay shares with your store,. letting it know that the Payment Information is authentic and usable. It's the token that's saved in your store ensuring that you have access to charge the card when needed. If your web site security is ever breeched, your customers credit card information can never be compromised since your web site never handled the information to begin with, but from a customer perspective, this all translates to a faster, easier, payment experience. When a customer goes through checkout in a store that's configured with MivaPay. They'll have the option to store their credit card information in their customer account on that store. The next time they visit the store, when they go through checkout, they will have that payment information ready for them. Furthermore, they can view and manage their store payment information by clicking into their account. Here they will see their digital wallet for that store. There will be a link here called "Manage Saved Cards" which takes them to a screen listing out all saved payment card information they have on file. They can edit their card information, if they need to say update the expiration date, or the address associated with the card.

They can also delete payment cards, or even add a new payment card from this screen. On the administrative side of things, Merchants can access a customers stored payment card information by going into the customers screen and editing the customer record in question. From the "Edit Customer" screen, you can click into the "Payment Cards" tab to see a list of all of the saved payment cards for this customer account. Here you can select and edit existing payment information. You can also delete existing payment card information and you can add new payment card information by clicking on this plus sign on the top right side. This is useful for instance, if you were assisting a customer over the phone to update their cards on file. That's a look at stored payment card information with MivaPay.

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