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Videos | Product Level Payment Method Restrictions

Miva Merchant gives you the ability to setup payment method restrictions on a product level, which we look at in this video.
ver.9.0 and later

Video Transcript

Some Merchants may find themselves in a situation where they have a product that requires them to only accept specific payments such as Check payment or Paypal payment when selling their product. Miva Merchant gives you the ability to set up Payment Method Restrictions on a product level which we’ll be looking at in this video. Here we are in the “Payment Settings” screen of the Miva Merchant Admin. If we scroll down and double click into the “Check Payment Method” you can see that I have “Exclude this method unless permitted by products turned on.” This means that the “Check Payment Method” will never appear as a payment option to the customer unless they specifically have a product in their basket that permits check payments. Case and point, here I am in the middle of the checkout process with a guitar product in my shopping basket. You can see here that the only payment options available to me are American Express, Discover, Mastercard, Visa and PayPal. Let’s set up “Check Payments” for this guitar product that I already have in my basket.

Let's go back into the Admin and do a search for “Guitar.” On the Edit Products screen for this guitar, we’ll scroll down until we see a section called “Payment Rules.” Let's check mark the Check Payment option and then click “Update.” Now, when we go back to the checkout process and hit “Refresh” we’ll see that check becomes a payment option I can use at checkout. Let's go back into the Admin and make one more change to the guitar product. This time I want to turn on the setting called “Limit Payment Methods.” With this check marked customers will only see the payment methods that we select down here when they attempt to purchase this product. So configured in this way, when we refresh the checkout screen not only will we be allowed to use checks as a payment method for this product, but it will be the only payment method that we can select. It's important to understand that since checks are the only payment method that is allowed for this guitar product, if we add another product to our shopping basket that isn't configured to permit checks as a payment method, such as these guitar strings, we're going to see an error since the two products in my shopping cart don't share any similar payment options. So it's worth keeping that in mind when setting up Payment Rule Restrictions.

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