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Videos | Affiliates Part 1 - Setting Up Affiliates Program

This video shows you how to get started with an affiliates program in your Miva Merchant store.
ver.9.0 and later

Video Transcript

You have the ability to set up an Affiliates Program for your Miva Merchant store. An Affiliate would be a person or a company that you offer kickbacks to for referring customers to your store pages. You can configure your Affiliates program to reward commissions to Affiliates based on both referral traffic as well as orders that result from referred customers.

To set up the Affiliates program in your store, login to your Miva Merchant Admin and click into the Marketing area of the Admin. From there, click into the Settings tab. Scroll down until you see the Affiliate Options section. Here, you’ll want to checkmark “Activate Affiliate Program.” The Default Application Status setting determines what state an Affiliate account starts at when they first register with your Affiliate Program. If you’re going to be configuring all of your Affiliates from inside your Store Admin, you may want to set this to automatically “Approved.” If you’re allowing people to register for themselves into your Affiliate program via a link on your store that’s accessible to the general public, you may want to manually approve applicants in which case you’ll want to set this to “pending.”

Next we can set how much referral traffic is valued at regardless of this referral traffic turns into a sale or not. I’ll set this to 2.5 cents. Below that I can set how much a commission an Affiliate receives when the referral turns into a sale. It can be a flat rate like $10. It can also be a percentage of either the entire order or the sub total. Finally, we have the payout threshold setting. Miva Merchant's Affiliate program keeps track of how much commission your affiliates generate, but it’s up to you to process their commission by sending your Affiliates their payouts via whatever method makes sense for your business. When you’re processing Affiliate Payout, the store will only show you the Affiliates that are ready to be paid out. The store determines which Affiliates are ready based on this payout threshold. Setting this to $20 for instance will require that the Affiliate Account accumulates at least $20 of total commission before they appear in your Affiliate Payouts tab up above. I’ll leave this payout threshold set to $20 and then I’ll click “Update” to save my work. And that’s it, I now have and Affiliates program set up in my store.

In the next video, we’ll take a look at adding an Affiliate accounts to your Miva Merchant stores Affiliate program.

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