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Videos | How to Setup a Payment Module

A key part to running an online store is being able to accept payments for your customer's purchases. What this video to see how to configure your store to accept payments.
ver.9.0 and later

Video Transcript

A key part to running an online store is being able to accept payments for your customers purchases. You do this by connecting your store to your payment processor of choice. Let's walk through the steps of configuring a payment module in your store.

For the purposes of this video we’ll be setting up Authorize.net. Here we are in the “Add/Remove Modules” tab inside of the Payment Settings area of the Miva Merchant Admin. In this list of available payment modules were looking for Authorize.net. When you find it, simply click on its “Install” button to configure Authorize.net. You'll need to type in your Login ID and Transaction Key. You should have already created these by logging into your Authorize.net Merchant Interface. Enter in your login ID and your Transaction Key, confirm your Transaction Key and finally, paste in your Hash Security Code in this field. Before saving your work, you have a few options to customize your payment module. You can choose to capture funds immediately at the time of sale, or capture sales manually. For instance if you want to only collect payments when you are ready to ship an order. You can also choose to store your customers entire credit card number to be viewable in your Admin. Keep in mind if you choose this option, per PCI Compliance requirements, you will have to configure an encryption key in your store. Down below you have a list of card brands. Uncheck any cards you do not take. Lastly make sure test mode is not selected and when you're happy with your settings, click on the “Update” button to save your work.

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