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Videos | Swapping Out ReadyTheme Images

ReadyThemes come with a number of placeholder graphics on your storefront page that you can easily swap out with your own images. Learn how to update the images in your store with just a few clicks of your mouse.
ver.9.4 and later

Video Transcript

The ReadyTheme you choose to have installed into your new Miva Merchant store will come equipped with a collection of stock images on the Storefront page. Here, looking at the Iron and Wool ReadyTheme, which has a nice large hero image on top and three smaller promotional images down below. These images have a few attributes in common. If you mouse over them a title tag pops up with some text and if you click on them you'll see that they're actually linkable to other parts of your store, such as a specific category. By default they are not targeted to any specific page, so clicking on them will just refresh the Storefront. Here we are in the ReadyTheme area of the Store Admin, specifically we’re in the images tab and here you can see a batch list of the images displayed on the Storefront. Here's the hero image and down here are the three different promotional images. Double-clicking on any one of these will bring up the settings for that specific image. We also get a larger thumbnail view of the image we’re working with which helps us visually identify which image we’re editing. To replace the stock image with an image of your own, click on the Select Image button. Next click on “Add,” then “Upload Image” and then browse to the image you want and click “Choose.” After you've uploaded your image, click on the “Select Image” button down below.

Let's go ahead and change this text to read “Awesome Gear for the Outdoor Lifestyle” and we also have the option to link this image. In this case let's select a category, look up the category we want and we'll select or shirts category. Once you're happy with the changes you've made, click on the “Save” button. Now when you go back to the Storefront page and hit “Refresh,” you'll be able to see the changes you've made. If I mouse over, you'll see the new text you typed in and if you click on the image you'll see that it now links to the store page you designated.

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