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Videos | Understanding The Category Tree

The Category Tree is a major navigational element of your Miva Merchant store. Any categories you add into your Miva Merchant store automagically appears in your category tree. Learn more about the Category Tree in this video.
ver.9.0 and later

Video Transcript

The Category Tree is a major navigational element of your Miva Merchant store. Any categories you add into your Miva Merchant store automatically appears in your Category Tree. The category tree is found on almost every page in your store excluding such pages as your storefront page and your checkout pages. The Category Tree works with sub categories as well, so clicking on this clothing category for instance reveals the Child Categories for Clothing. Here we are in the Categories tab inside of the Catalog area of the Miva Merchant Admin. Here we see a batch list of all of the categories that are currently added into this test store. To add a new category called just click on this “Add Category” button. Let’s create a new category called, “Socks” and we’ll click on this “Add” button to save our work. When we go back into the Store page and hit “Refresh,” we can see that the category tree now has a “Socks” link for the Socks category we just added. Notice that the Socks category is considered a major category because a Parent Category wasn't defined for it. If we want the Socks category to appear as a subcategory for clothing, we can do that by going back into the Store Admin. Here we are in the Edit Category page for our Socks category. The field we want is called Parent Category, which is found right here. Let’s click on the “Look Up” button. We’ll do a search for the Clothing category. We can select Clothing and click “OK.” Now we just have to click on the “Update” button to save our work. When we go back to the store page and refresh it, we can see that the Socks category is now listed as a subcategory for Clothing. Let's say we want to move the Clothing category to the top of the category tree. To do that we'll have to go into the Categories tab inside of our Catalog. Go into “Menu,” “Catalog” and then “Categories.” To be able to sort the order of our categories as they appear in the category tree, we need to make sure that sorting is enabled. Click on the “Display Order Menu” button that looks like a triangle pointing up and a triangle pointing down and select “Enable Sorting.” Select the category you wish to move and back in the “Display Order Menu” choose “Move to Top.” Alternatively, you can select “Edit Display Order” if you want to move your categories around using numeric values on the left. When we go back to the store page and hit refresh, we can now see that the Clothing category appears on the top of the category tree.

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