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Videos | Using “Find In List” With “Move To Position” To Sort Products

This video we look at the "Find In List" search mode, and how it synergizes with the "Move To Position" functionality for sorting products in a category.
ver.9.3 and later

Video Transcript

In this video, we're going to have a look at the Finding List Search Mode and how it synergizes with the Move to Position functionality to help you sort products on Category pages. This method of sorting products is particularly useful if you're working with categories with a large number of products and you want to move a product to a specific location in the category.

I'll go into my shirt category and then click into the Products tab inside of this short category. We want to make sure that we're in the “Find in List” mode of the search options. If you're not in Find in List mode, click on the Search Settings button here and select Find in List. If you're in Find and List mode, you should see a left arrow and a right arrow on either side of the search bar. I want to affect the sorting order of products in this category. For that I need to enable Sorting by clicking on this Display Order Menu and selecting Enable Sorting. The batch list has refreshed to mirror the sorting order in which they will appear on my Category Display page. The goal here is to move my red shirt next to my 10 shirt. So with Find and List enabled I will do a search for the word “red” and here's my red shirt. This is the shirt I want to modify, so I'm going to select it by clicking on it’s record once and then I'm going to do another search for the word “ten.” Notice that the Find in List function moved me to where the ten shirt is in the batch list and I currently still have my red shirt selected, I click on the Display Order menu one more time and I want to select the Move to Position option. Finally, I want to click on the pin button next to the ten shirt and it will move the red shirt to the ten shirt’s position and the ten shirt will be pushed to down in the batch list. The change I just made will be reflected on the Category Display page, so if I click on this “More” button and select “View on Live” store, I can see that the red shirt is listed preceded by the ten shirt.

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