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Videos | Miva Variant Sku

New in Miva 9.0007 is the ability to display the Variant Sku on the front end anywhere Basket contents are displayed as well as in the Admin under Order Processing.
ver. 9.6 and later

Video Transcript

New to Miva 9.7 is the ability to have the variant SKU displayed anywhere on the front end where the basket contents are displayed, as well as in the Admin when you place an order through Order Processing. Let me show you how this is done. As you know, each product that has attributes has it's own SKU assigned to it. For example, a medium red t-shirt is assigned a SKU of 100-5. The small red t-shirt is 100-03. The large red t-shirt is 100-1. So again, each color and size combination has its own SKU number. 

So we're going to go over to our Word Processing and let's say we just had a customer call in a phone order. We're going to click the "+" button and then click the "Add Item" button. Let's say they want a t-shirt, so we click on the main product. We'll enter a size medium and it should automatically come up for us. Notice the SKU field here is currently empty. Once we put in the color that we want, we're going to say "Red" you'll notice here that this will automatically populate for us. We'll now click the "Add" button and you'll see that the SKU is now displayed down here in the order itself. 

Now for the front end. For the variant SKU to show up on any of the Basket Content pages, you simply need to add a code of html to the Basket page or any page you want it to display on and then you'll see that the SKU number will show up on that Basket associated page. We'll include the html code in the written docs below. That's the new Miva Variant KU feature in Miva 9.7.  

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