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Videos | Payment Method Rules

Payment Method Rules give you control over how payment methods display to your customers during the checkout process. This videos walks you through configuring Payment Method Rules to your needs.
ver.9.5 and later

Video Transcript

Payment Method Rules give you control over how payment options display to your customers during the checkout process. The concepts behind Payment Method Rules are essentially the same as the concepts for Shipping Method Rules, but this time will be influencing how payment options appear to customers at checkout. Payment Method Rules mainly affect payment methods in three general ways; sorting, restrictions and exclusions. Here we are at the Shipping and Payment Selection screen during a check-out process. If we click on this drop down list, we can see that we have American Express, Discover, Mastercard and Visa appearing as available payment options. Down here we can see that American Express, Discover, Mastercard and Visa appear once again in this drop down list. If we go into the Payment Method Rules tab inside of the Payment Settings area of the Store Admin, we can see why those cards are appearing twice in the drop-down list. Here we have American Express, Discover, Mastercard and Visa being pulled into the Payment Methods List from the Authorize.net payment module. Down here, we can see that we also have the Credit Card Payment with Simple Validation module configured and it's also adding American Express, Discover, Mastercard and Visa to the list of options.

Now let's edit the American Express card from the Authorize.net module by double-clicking on it. On the bottom of this modal, we can see a section called Exclusions. Let's use this section to make it so that when Authorize.net’s American Express card appears in the list of available payment options, it will exclude the American Express card option powered by Credit Card with Simple Validation. We’ll just find the other American Express card in the list and change it from “Allow” to “Excludes.” Now Authorize.net’s American Express card will exclude the other American Express card in the list. Let's repeat that for Discover, Mastercard and Visa. When we go back to the store page and hit Refresh, we can see that the Payment Methods drop down list cleans up because the Payment Methods by Authorized.net that we see here are excluding the Simple Validation Payment Methods from appearing in this list. Notice that the cards are displaying with American Express at the top followed by Discover, Mastercard and then Visa. We can use Payment Method Rules to influence Payment Method Sorting Order as well. To do that we’ll use Priority. By default, all Payment Methods have a priority of 0, but the Miva Merchant system will list Payment Methods with higher priority before payment methods with lower priority. So if we change Visa’s priority from 0 to 20, it will shoot to the top of the list since its priority is higher than all of the others. Let’s set MasterCard to 15, Discover can be 14 and American Express can be 10. When we go back to the check out page It currently shows American Express, Discover, Mastercard and then Visa, but when we hit Refresh, the credit cards now display with Visa first, followed by Mastercard, Discover and then American Express.

Finally, noticed that there is a “Check” option in this list, but let's say we want to restrict when the Check option should be available to the customer, we can do that in a number of different ways; such as by geographic location of the customer, or the shopping basket total of the purchase. So let's take note that this shopper is in Texas and the basket total is $20. Let's go back into the Store Admin and double click on “Check Payment.” Here is where we can configure payment restrictions. For instance, if we change this to 19, the Check Payment Option will be restricted to only orders totaling between 0 and $19. Since my purchase was $20, this will exclude Check Payment from appearing for me at checkout. On the other hand we can configure a geographic restriction. To show you what I mean, I'll check mark “Restrict to these States,” then we can click into this list and press Command A or Control A if you're on a PC and this will select all of the states in the list. Let’s scroll down until we see Texas and I'll hold down my Command Key or Control Key if you're on PC and click on Texas to unselect it. Now, every state is selected except for Texas. We’ll go ahead and save this and when we Refresh the check out page, Check Payment no longer appears in the list of available payment options because this customer doesn't live in a state where check payments are accepted.

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