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PageBuilder - General Overview

PageBuilder, released with version 10.05.00, allows users to create webpages, even websites, without the need to write HTML code. This allows users to keep their storefront, as well as other pages, fresh with relevant content.

With PageBuilder, non-technical users can configure page components and layouts, modify and reuse existing designs and apply site-wide settings. It allows users to create unique marketing messages and shopping experiences, even scheduling components within pages for time-based messaging.

Miva's PageBuilder allows you to work more efficiently by reusing pages, layouts and components throughout the year. For example, you could create a holiday sale banner that you could use each year at the same time, and create variations on the banner for other holidays.


For information on upgrading to PageBuilder and any template changes you may need to make, view the Upgrading to PageBuilder help doc and video.

On this Page

Accessing PageBuilder

To access PageBuilder, click the User Interface header on the left side of the Miva admin.

On the page that opens, on the left side of the page, click the Content Management header. When the Content Management page opens, click the page you want to edit.

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Live Preview Page

The Live Preview page is where you will build the page you want. Changes you make to the components will display in real time. It is a representation of what the webpage you are designing will look like on your website.

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Live Preview Page: This is where you will edit the page.

Component Pane

The Component Pane is located on the left side of the page and lists the components that are on your webpage, in the Live Preview page, in the order in which they appear on the screen.

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Clicking on a Component in the Component Pane opens up the Edit Component box in the pane. Changes you make in the box are immediately shown on the Live Preview Page.

For more information on Components, click here.


In the upper right corner of the Live Preview page are the Refresh icon and the Save Button.

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Clicking Refresh refreshes the screen. Clicking Save saves the page with any changes you’ve made. Clicking the X in the far right corner closes the Page Builder screen.


Live Preview allows you to see changes made to the page you're working on in real time, but those changes are NOT saved unless you click the save button.

If you try to close the Live Preview for the page you are working on, you will see the Unsaved Changes dialog box. If you want to save your changes, click Save, otherwise click Discard Changes to not save the changes

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