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PageBuilder - Markdown Authoring

You can use Markdown Authoring in PageBuilder for certain text-based fields.

Markdown is a lightweight markup language that can be used to add formatting to your website text and is fast becoming the standard. Rather than using HTML code, Markdown allows you to use its own syntax to show which words should look different.

Markdown is easy to learn. Because it's a plain text format, it's flexible -- you can open it, edit it and read it in virtually any kind of software or operating system. It's easy to read while composing and it's easily exported to outputs like HTML and PDF files.

Adding Markdown to PageBuilder brings the best of both into the Miva admin. Perhaps the easiest, and quickest, way to point out the benefits of Markdown, is that when you are authoring in a Markdown enabled field, hitting Enter on your keyboard in the text box, inserts an actual line break on the webpage.

Markdown is an extremely powerful, and easy to learn text markup language and is an excellent tool to add when live previews are available, like in PageBuilder.

For a quick primer on the basics of using Markdown, visit:

Using Markdown in PageBuilder

You will only be able to use Markdown in components where the capability is possible. Not every text field works with Markdown.

Markdown in Body Text fields is enabled by default.

You have two options for working in the Body Text field. You can use the Markdown syntax if you know it, or you can use the editing icons at the top of the field to change the look of your text content. Clicking the “B” icon, for example, adds the syntax for Markdown’s bold text. Clicking the “I” icon adds the syntax for italic text. There are also additional options, for Headings and Block Quotes, in the three dots icon drop down.

Hitting the Enter key on your keyboard adds a line break.

When complete, click the Save button for the page in the upper right corner.

To disable Markdown, click the three dots icon in the top right corner of the body text field and click Disable Markdown.


If Markdown is disabled, an Enable Markdown slider appears at the top of the Body Text field.

For help with Markdown while in a Markdown capable field, click the three dots icon, and then click Help. An overlay box with basics of the syntax opens on the page.

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