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Price Groups

Price Groups provide you with a way to offer discounts in your store. Price Groups have been a part of Miva for a number of years, but with each successive version we have made improvements to Price Groups.

Starting with version 9, and expanding with version 10, you have greater control over who gets the discount and what kind of discount you create.

General Process for Creating a Price Group

To create a Price Group, click the Marketing header and then the Price Groups tab.

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Next, click the Add Price Group button in the upper right corner.

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In the box that opens, give your Price Group a name. Then decide what the eligibility is for the Price Group you are creating. The choices are:

Then choose the type of discount. Your choices are:


The fields that are available in the Discount Settings section of the Add Price Group dialog box will change depending on the type of Price Group you are creating. Additional details on the fields available in every type are provided later in this section.

Each Price Group, regardless of type, share several settings, including, Name/Eligibilty/Type, Basket/Qualifying Restrictions, Price Group Settings and Exclusions. For additional information on those Global Settings, click here.

After you fill out the required fields for the price group you selected, click Save.

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