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Miva Merchant 9.5 Resources

Payment Method Rules

Payment Method Rules give you control over how payment methods display to your customers during the checkout process.

The concept behind Payment Method Rules are essentially the same as concepts for Shipping Method Rules but this time we'll be influencing how Payment Options appear to customers at check out. Payment Method Rules mainly affect Payment Methods in three general ways; sorting, restrictions, and exclusions.

Payment Method Rules


In 9.5 you now have the ability to create payment method rules which allows you to sort and apply display rules to your payment methods. These rules will be used to determine which payment methods show up for different customers using availability groups or geographic location using State, Country or Zip codes. By default, all payment options have the priority of 0. You can change how they show up in your checkout process by changing the priority.

Payment Settings

During the checkout process this "Check" method will be the first option your clients see from your Payment list.

Check Method


To change the priorities on your Payment Rules, click on the "Payment Method Rules" tab.

Change Priorities

Now click on "Edit Priorities." The way the reordering works is, the higher the priority you set, the higher the items will appear on the list. For instance, if you give something a priority of 10, it will be at the top of the list, a 9 will be under that, and an 8 under that. If you give it a 1, it will fall towards the bottom of the list. When you're done click "Save."

Edit Priorities

Now you'll see the list has been reordered and is reflecting the changes we made using the "Edit Priorities" tab.

Edit Priorities

Now in checkout, it will also reflect your reordered changes and clients will now see Visa as the first option.

Checkout Reordered


You can assign an Availability Group to a particular Payment Method. In this example we are choosing the "Check" method to assign our Wholesale Group to. Simply select the Payment Method you want to assign to a group and then click on the "Availability Groups" tab.

Availability Groups

A new window will pop up and you can choose the Availability Group that you want to assign from here.

Availability Groups


To customize the Payment Method Rules for a particular Payment Method, select the payment method you want, and then click the pencil or "Edit" tool.

Edit Payment

This window will pop up with an array of options to customize.

Payment Methods


Here is another place you can adjust the priority for the Payment Method.

Payment Method Rules


Here you can rename the Payment Method. For this example we are renaming the "Check" Payment option to "Purchase Order."

Display As


Here you can restrict orders that fall into a particular dollar amount. An example would be if you didn't want Paypal orders over $300.

Restrict Order


Here you can restrict orders that fall into a particular dollar amount. An example would be if you didn't want Paypal orders over $300.

Restrict Order Total


Here you can either restrict payment options for certain states or countries. For example, if you only wanted to sell your products in the USA, you would check the box "Restrict to These Countries" and then select United States.

Graphic Restrictions


If you only wanted to send to particular zip codes, you could enter a list of zip codes separated by commas here.

Restrict Zip Code


There will be times when you want to have a specific payment option for only select products. Let's say for example, you want to allow a wholesaler to purchase a large item with a Purchase Order. The quick and easy way to add this payment to just the products you want in the store is by clicking the "Exclude This Method Unless Permitted by Products" checkbox. You can find this by clicking on "Menu," "Payment" and then under the "Payment Rules" tab you'll click on "Purchase Order" and a pop up window will appear. Scroll down and click on the "Exclude This Method Unless Permitted by Products" box so that this method will only show up for the products you specifically allow it for. For directions on how to apply this payment method to a particular product, just scroll down below.

Purchase Order




To access product level payment rules, go to "Menu," click on "Catalog," click on a product and then click the "Open" icon.


If you want to allow a particular payment method (in this instance a Purchase Order) for a particular product here's where you would apply it. Scroll down to "Payment Rules." There are multiple options you can check here to alter the payment functionality of this particular product.

You MUST click both the "Limit Payment Methods" and then under "Permitted Payment Methods" you must select the payments that are allowed for this particular product. If you forget to check the first box, the Permitted Payment Method that you did check will be ignored.

Product Level

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