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How to Create a Coupon

This tutorial will give you a step by step guide to creating a new coupon in Miva Merchant Version 9 using its new Discounting and Marketing features.

If you haven’t watched the video on Price Groups yet, I would highly recommend it before you go through this tutorial.

Step 1 – Navigate to Coupons Interface

Coupons in Version 9 are located under Marketing section, then the Coupons Tab.


Coupon Screen

Step 2 – Click the Add Coupon Button

There are two ways to generate coupons. On the right side of the screen you will see two buttons


+ Generate is used to generate coupon codes in bulk, say if you wanted to create 100 unique codes for a promotion. There is a video on how to use this feature here.

+ You want to click the + button to create a single coupon code.

Step 3 – Define Your Coupon Settings

Coupon Settings

Code: Choose the code your customers will use to redeem their coupon. All customers will use this same code.

Description: This value is used to describe the coupon and can be optionally displayed to the custoemer during checkout.

Eligibility: There are three options, Specific Customers, All Logged In Customers, All Shoppers. For most coupons All Shoppers is going to be the option you want to choose

Discount To Apply: See Step 4 below

Time Restriction: Set the start date and stop date for the coupons eligibility. This is optional and if you leave these unchecked, the coupon will always be valid.

*Max Use: Number of times this coupon can be used by all customers combined

Max Use Per Shopper: Unique times each shopper can use this coupon.

Step 4 – Choose Your Discount

The discount a coupon has is determined by which Price Group it is assigned to. For the Discount To Apply Setting, choose “Add New Price Group” This will bring up a new window to create your Price Group.

Choose Your Discount

Price Group

Discount Amount

Name: Give your price group a name. This should be something to describe what type of discount it is.

Eligibility: If your Price Group is going to be used for a coupon discount, make sure “Coupon Only” is selected.

Type: This is the type of discount you want to use. Since we are creating a 20% off the entire order coupon we want to choose a “Basket Discount” which will apply to discount to all items in the basket.

Discount: Choose the discount amount. You can select a percentage or fixed discount amount. This will apply to the entire order.

Discount Qualifiers: There are 6 different settings for when the coupon is valid. Say for example you didn’t want the coupon to be valid unless the basket subtotal was at least $100. In this case you would enter in 100 in the Restrict Basket Subtotal Field for minimum value.

Time Restrictions: The Price Group has its own time restrictions. The coupon settings will overwrite these settings (if applicable)

Priority: In the event you have multiple coupons, the priority is used to determine which discount gets applied first. Higher numbered priorities will be applied before lower priorities (10 will be applied before 1)

Hit Save to Create the Price Group, then Hit Save on the Coupon.

Step 5 – All Done!

All that’s left is to give out the coupon code to customers either though promotional messaging on your website or an email campaign.

Shopping Cart

Don’t forget in order for your customers to redeem to coupon code you need to add the coupon box to your checkout process. If you’re using one of our new [ReadyThemes](http://www.miva.com/readytheme), these already the coupon box displayed. If you’re upgrading from a older store to Version 9 you will need to have your developer manually make the page template changes which can be [found here](http://www.miva.com/version9-template-changes).

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