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Volume Pricing

Volume Pricing lets you offer different levels of savings based on the quantity of specified products that are in your shoppers basket.

To set up your Volume Pricing, login to your Miva Merchant Admin and click into the "Marketing" area in your drop down menu.


Under Marketing, you'll want to be in the "Price Group" tab. Click on the "+" icon.


Give your price group a name. In this example we chose "Volume Pricing."

Eligibility: For "Eligibility" we chose "All Shoppers."

Type: Volume Pricing

Volume Pricing

Once you have these settings complete, click "Save." Now you'll want to click on your new Price Group which will allow you to then click on the "Discounted Products" icon above.

Volume Pricing


Now you want to go in and assign the appropriate products to your Price Group. Click the toggle switch next to each product you want to be part of your Volume Pricing Group and then click "Close."

Volume Pricing


Click on the item you want assigned, then click on the "Open" Icon (square with an arrow pointing to the top right.)

Volume Pricing

Now it's time to define your pricing tiers in your table.

Volume Pricing

In the drop down menu there are three options. Percent, Fixed or Absolute.

Volume Pricing

Percent: This will take a designated percentage off each assigned item once they qualify (example: when they purchase 10 items they'll get 10% off each item that applies).

Fixed: This will take a fixed $ amount off of each item once they qualify (example: if they purchase 15 items, they'll get $4 off each item that applies).

Absolute: This will set an exact price for each item once they qualify (example: if they purchase twenty items, they'll now get each item for $15.00)

Let's see how this looks in the cart:

Volume Pricing


If you want the specifics of your Volume Pricing to show up for your customers to see, you can edit some code to make that happen. Here's how:

Create a New Item:

Click on "Menu," "User Interface," and then click on the "Items" tab. Click the "+" icon to create a new item.

Volume Pricing

Code: discount_volume

Module: Click the "Look Up" button and do a search for the "Discount Volume" module. Click on it, then click on the "OK" Button.

Click the "Add" Button at the top right.

Volume Pricing


Click the "Pages" button to assign the Volume Pricing to what ever page you would like it to appear. For our example we are choosing the Product Page.

Volume Pricing


Insert the following Item Tag to any page you wish to display the Volume Pricing Table. Click on "Menu," then scroll down to "User Interface." On the "Pages" tab search for PROD page (since that's the example page we're using). Click the "Open" icon. Scroll down to "Product Display Layout" and paste this code where you want the Volume Pricing Table to appear in the page:

<mvt:item name="discount_volume" param="product:id" />

In our example we placed it under product details.

Volume Pricing

Here's how your Volume Pricing will now appear in your product display:

Product Display


If you are familiar with code you can adjust the display to your liking by editing the Volume Pricing Display Tab which now shows up in whatever pages you assigned it to. In this instance, our PROD page.

Volume Pricing

How the volume pricing import works:

Default looks like this:

Volume Pricing

However you don’t need numbers sequentially. If you offer volume pricing at 10 and 20 unit breaks it would be:

Volume Pricing

Here is how to set a change the volume discount type in the CSV import:

Absolute: Positive Value 7.50

Fixed: Negative Value -1.50 (This will subtract 1.50 from the base price)

Percentage: 25% (include percent sign)


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