You must be logged in to create a Wish List. There are a couple ways to create a list. You can browse through the store and choose particular items first and add them to the wish list, or you can create the Wish List first and then browse the store and add your desired items. To create your Wish List first, login, click on “Wish List” and then “Create Wish List.”
If you click on “Create Wish List” you will get a new screen where you can give your Wish List a Title and make Notes. You’re also given the opportunity to make your list “Public” if you’d like. If you make it public anyone can go to that store and look your list up to purchase items for you. If you do not check the “Public” box, then it will remain private and will not be searchable by others.
If you click on “Create Wish List” you will get a new screen where you can give your Wish List a Title and make Notes. You’re also given the opportunity to make your list “Public” if you’d like. If you make it public anyone can go to that store and look your list up to purchase items for you. If you do not check the “Public” box, then it will remain private and will not be searchable by others.
Once you’ve created your Wish List, you can now browse through the store and if you see something you like, you can simply click on the “Add to Wish List” button.
If you want to continue shopping, just go back to the store and add as many items as you please. You can also remove items from your wish list by clicking on the “Remove” button near the item you want removed.