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Saved Admin Searches

Miva Merchant 9.5 give you the ability to save search queries made in the various pages of the Miva Merchant admin. We take a look at this time saving feature and its settings.

Below is a snapshot of the old search features.

Old Layout:


Here's a snapshot of the new search features in Miva 9.5. As you can see, the search features are more graphical, they have a little animation to them, and there is a new field called "Save Current Search" at the bottom.

New Layout:

New Search

Save Current Search:

In our new feature, you can do an Advanced Search by clicking the button below:


Type in your parameters. For this example we are going to search for all orders that are greater than $100. Click the "Search" button.

Advanced Search

All your orders within your parameter will come up.

Orders Over 100

Now when you click your "Search" button you'll see that there's an extra option showing called "Save Current Search."

Save Current Search

If you click Save Current Search, it will come up with a window where you can name your search. Click "Save" after typing a name.

Save Search

Your search will now show up at the bottom of your search window for the next time you need it. This goes for all future searches that you save as well. The searches will only show up in the admin area that it applies to. In other words, if you do this search in orders, it won't show up under products or customers - it will only show up under "Orders." Same with searches that you do in other areas - they will only appear under the area you performed the search.


Manage Saved Searches:

Under Manage Saved Searches you can edit the name, delete the search, or restore it.

Edit Saved Searches:

Simply double click on the search you want to edit and then update as desired.

Delete Saved Searches:

Select and highlight the searches you want to delete, then click on the trashcan icon.

Manage Searches

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