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Miva Variant Sku

New to Miva 9.0007 is having the Variant Sku display anywhere on the front end where the basket contents are displayed, and in the admin when you process orders.

SKU In the Shopping Basket

Sorting Records

The Sku is not displayed by default, but it can be added via template code. It just needs to be added to each individual page you want to display it on. Here is an example of the code we added to the BASK page: &mvt:group:sku;

SKU In Order Processing in the Admin

Lets say a client calls in with a phone order, when you create an order in the admin under Order Processing, once you type in the main product and choose the attributes for that product, the Sku will automatically populate and display.

Before entering the attributes

Sku in Order Processing

After entering the attributes

As you see from the example below, the Sku automatically populates and displays in the Sku Field.

Sku in Order Processing

It also shows in the order itself.

Sku in Order Processing

You can now sort and search by the Sku and export products for Quickbooks and/or other 3rd Party ordering process software as well.

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