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How To Guides


Getting Started

Getting API Keys

Configuring Payment Cards

MivaPay Automatic Card Type Detect

Hiding Non MivaPay Methods

Customer Management of MivaPay Cards

Using A Saved Card

Managing Customer Cards From Miva Admin

Automatic Card Expiration Emails

MivaPay Installation Guide

MivaPay CVV Settings

Using Kount With MivaPay & Braintree

Order Level Saved Cards

Copy Order With Payment Data

MivaPay Guardian

Getting Started

MivaPay is an addon service for Miva Merchant which allows your customers to securely store their credit cards on your Miva Store. To sign up for MivaPay please contact us to speak with one of our sales consultants.

Getting API Keys

Your API keys can be found in you my.miva account. https://my.miva.com/

Once signed up, you will be given the following information:

All three of these will be needed to link your store to your MivaPay account. You can get your Merchant ID and API Keys from you my.miva account. You’ll get access to this account after completing signup for MivaPay. If you do not have access to your my.miva account, please contact support@miva.com.

Once you have the API keys you will add them to Miva under the Payment menu, then the settings tab

API Keys

Add your credentials and click update to save.

Note: The Base URL will be pre-set and this should not be changed.

Configuring Your Payment Cards

MivaPay introduces the concept of “Payment Cards.” These are the card types (linked to MivaPay) you accept on your Miva Store. They also appoint an individual payment method and determine which Payment Gateway to use.

To configure your Payment Cards go to Payment -> Payment Method Rules tab, then click on the Payment Cards button

Payment Cards

This will bring up a window where you can map each card type to a MivaPay supported payment method. Only payment gateways which support MivaPay will be allowed to be selected. These gateways include all the built in Miva Payment Gateways:

To edit the Payment Card Type select a row and click the edit button:

Payment Card Type

From the Drop Down choose the payment gateway and card type to map to the Payment Card Type.

Payment Card Type

Click the save icon to save. Repeat this step for all the Payment Card Types you wish to accept on your store.

MivaPay Automatic Card Type Detect

This functionality is available in 9.0065.

In the Admin:

Payment Card Types

In the admin under "Payment Settings," you'll see a new tab for "Payment Card Type."

Payment Card Type

When you click on the tab it will open a new window and there you will see two new fields, "Allowable Prefixes" and "Allowable Lengths." Allowable Prefixes will show you what prefix each card type starts with. The Allowable Lengths will show you how many characters will be on each card.

Allowable Prefixes

In the 9.0065 update, Miva now automatically detects what credit card is being used by the numbers being entered. They no longer have to choose "Visa, MC, AE, or Discover." Instead of a drop down of multiple options showing up, your customers will only see "Credit Card." You can also choose to hide this section from view if you choose to.

Credit Cards

When the customer goes to check out, it will show what type of card was used to complete the purchase.


Group Payment Card Types into Single Payment Method with Description

There's an option called "Group Payment Card Types into Single Payment Method with Description." If it is unchecked, all of your current credit card options will appear.

Group Payment Unchecked

All Cards Showing

Also, if you choose "Mastercard" and then on the next page enter a Visa number, Miva will automatically detect that the wrong card has been entered and will turn the card number field red and will not allow you to continue until you put a proper Master Card number in.

Wrong Card Number

If it's checked, just "Credit Card" will show up at checkout.

Group Cards Checked

Credit Card Only

In Your Customer Account under "Manage Saved Cards"

When you place an order with a card, if you've selected the "Store This Card For Future Use" your card will now show up in your account.

Store This Card

You can login to your Customer Account and click on "Manage Saved Cards." There you will see the card you chose to save and can edit it if needed.

Manage Saved Cards

Customer Payment

Hiding Non MivaPay Payment Methods

When you setup your Payment Card Types, these methods will appear in addition to your standard payment methods which do not use MivaPay. You can choose to accept both MivaPay and non MivaPay methods in your store, however in most cases you’ll want to hide your other Payment Methods and force your customers to use the MivaPay Methods.

For example: If you setup Visa as a Payment Card using MivaPay, you store will have 2 Visa payment methods. One for MivaPay and a second for the standard gateway you use. If you did not hide your old method, both would be shown to the customer.

You can do this by going into Payment -> Payment Method Rules. Edit your non MivaPay methods and check the box to “Exclude This Method Unless Permitted by Products.”

Payment Method Rules

This checkbox will hide the payment method from displaying to your customers, unless explicity overwritten at the product level.

Customer Management of MivaPay Cards

When your customer logs into their account, they will have a link view, edit and delete all their saved cards.

Link View

From here they will see a list of all their saved cards:

Saved Cards

If they click the Add Credit/Debit card you will see the following screen:

Add Credit/Debit Card

This allows you to enter a new card number, select the card type and the billing address associated with the card. This screen pulls in any saved address you have within your address book or you can enter a new address.

Billing Address

Editing Saved Cards

Customers can edit any saved card by clicking the edit link next to each card. Everything can be edited about the card except the card number. If the card number needs to be edited, the card will need to be deleted and re-added.

Card Number is Fixed

Card Number Fixed

Saving a Card During Checkout

If a customer is logged in to their customer account when checking out, they will have the ability to saved the card they use back to their account for future use. They will see a checkbox when entering their credit card.


Using A Saved Card

If a customer has a saved card attached to their account and they are logged in, they will be presented with their saved cards as a payment option during checkout.


Their saved cards will appear in a drop down list. They can choose one of these or choose to enter a new card:


Managing Customer Cards From Miva Admin

You have full control to add, edit or remove a customer's saved card right from the Miva Admin. Under each customer there is a new tab for Payment Cards. This is a list of all their saved cards.

Payment Cards

You can select a record and edit it. Keep in mind the full card number is not viewable or editable. To change this value you need to delete the saved card and re-add it with the correct number.

Edit Customer Payment Card

You can also add a new card from this screen by clicking the add button on the right.

Edit Customer Payment Card

Automatic Card Expiration Emails

Miva has a built in tool to automatically email customers to update their card when their card is about to expire. Each customer will only get a single email notification.

There is a customizable email template which can be changed under Order Fulfillment -> Template Based Emails.

Order Fulfillment Settings

Manage Saved Cards

This email notification is controlled by a scheduled task. You can edit the settings for this scheduled task under Store Settings -> Scheduled Tasks Tab

Here there are settings to control how often the task runs (it runs once per day by default) and when to send the notification.

Scheduled Tasks

On the Email template settings itself there are settings to control when the email is sent and if it is sent to all expired cards or just those attached to a subscription.

Email Settings

MivaPay Installation Guide

If your setting up MivaPay on a 9.0006x or above store, all the template changes and item assignments should be done for you when your store was created. Any store that is upgrading to 9.0006 and wants to setup MivaPay they will need to follow the following steps:

  1. Enter MivaPay API credentials. Go to Payment -> Setting Tab -> MivaPay Tab Group
  2. MivaPay Settings

  3. Configure Payment Cards
  4. Under Payment Settings -> Payment Method Rules Tab there is a button for “Payment Card Types”

    Configure Payment Cards

    This will bring up a window where you can map your MivaPay Card Types to a MivaPay supported payment gateway

    MivaPay Card Types

  5. Hide Non MivaPay Methods
  6. After you configure your payment card types, you’ll need to “hide” the non-miva pay methods from displaying or else both sets of payment methods will display.

    Under Payment Settings -> Payment Method Rules click on a MivaPay Method and set it to exclude the non MivaPay card type

    Payment Method Rules

  7. Item Assignments
  8. Assign the paymentsettings item to the following pages:

    Payment Settings

    Assign the mivapay item to the following pages:

    MivaPay Item

    Important, when you assign the MivaPay Item to each of the pages above, you also have to ensure the correct Mode is set.

    CPCE – Customer Payment Card: Edit

    CPCA – Customer Payment Card: Add

    Opay - Checkout

    MivaPay Settings

  9. Template Changes
  10. OSEL - Payment Methods For Each Loop
    There is a new conditional that needs to be added to OSEL payment Methods foreach loop:

    OPAY - Templaate Changes

MivaPay CVV Settings

In order to use the CVV settings you first need to enable CVV for each payment method under Payment Card Types.

Payment Card Types

You can now adjust settings for MivaPay's CVV (Card Verification Value). There are three settings under the "Payment Settings" Section and the "Settings" Tab:


  1. CVV: Checkout: Payment Card Type:
  2. CVV: Checkout: Stored Payment Card:
  3. CVV: Order Processing: Payment Card Type:

We'll cover each one of these settings below:

1. CVV: Checkout: Payment Card Type:

Payment Card Type

There are 3 states to this field:

  1. Hidden
  2. Optional
  3. Required

If you have "Hidden" selected, your customer won't see the CVV Field.


If you have "Optional" selected, your customer will see the CVV Field, but it will not be required, therefore the font will not be bold.


If you have "Required" selected, your customer will not only see the CVV Field, but it will be required to continue the checkout process.


2. CVV: Checkout: Stored Payment Card:

This option is for your customers that already have a card stored in their wallet. It's basically the same as the above, but with a card already saved in their store.

If you have "Hidden" selected, your customer won't see the CVV Field.


If you have "Optional" selected, your customer will see the CVV Field, but it will not be required, therefore the font will not be bold.


If you have "Required" selected, your customer will not only see the CVV Field, but it will be required to continue the checkout process.


3. CVV: Order Processing: Payment Card Type:

This option is for phone or custom orders and is only seen in the admin.

If you have "Hidden" selected, you won't see the CVV Field.


If you have "Optional" selected, you will see the CVV Field, but it will not be required, therefore the font will not be bold.


If you have "Required" selected, you will not only see the CVV Field, but it will be required to continue the checkout process.


Using Kount With MivaPay and Braintree

If you're using Braintree with MivaPay as of 9.13 you can also take advantage of Kount. In order to use Kount, you must first manually add code to the OPAY page to collect the device_id. This device id gets saved into a hidden input and when the form is submitted it gets sent up to MivaPay and then on to Braintree which will forward it on to Kount to get a fraud score.

Its important that this code be added inside the main form on the OPAY page so that it gets sent along with the rest of the form data:

Note: This code requires an Authorization Token that must be generated in your Braintree Account using the steps outline here: Generate Authorization Token

Available options for dataCollector.kount.environment:

To confirm the new code is working, you should be able to inspect the OPAY page and see the hidden input have a value. It will contain a JSON object. You can also look a the data which gets submitted in the form:

Kount device_id

Order Level Saved Cards

As of 9.13 you now have access to order level saved cards. This means the credit card number will be tokenized and saved for every order regardless if the customer is logged in or not. The saved card will appear just like any other saved card and allows you to do new authorizations against it. To enable this feature, go to Payment Settings -> MivaPay Settings. Check the box for "Retain Order Payment Cards for 30 Days"

Order Level Saved Cards

Note: You can keep order level saved cards longer than 30 days, but you would set value to the minimum amount of time needed. For example if you sell custom made products and it takes 90 days to build and ship the product, you can set this to 90 days to give you access to the card to do new authorizations for that time period.

Order Saved Cards show up anytime you click the "Authorize" button for an order:

Authorize a Saved Card

Copy Order with Payment Data

As of 9.13 you there is now a "Copy Order" button which you can use to create a new order using an existing order as a starting point. This new order button works regardless of if you're using MivaPay or not. It will copy the following data from the order into a new order:

If you have MivaPay enabled on your store and order level saved cards are enabled, the copy order will also copy any order saved cards from one order to the new order. This allows you to create a new order for a customer and not have to get their card number over the phone again.

New Order Button

Note: The newely created order will be an "empty" order with no item, shipping or tax data.

MivaPay Guardian

MivaPay has a monitoring features introduced in 10.02.00. It allows Miva to detect and log certain actions that could mean there is some nefarious activity. This monitoring looks for the following scenarios and will log the activity if any of these use cases are found

If these actions are detected they will be logged for further review by Miva.

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