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PageBuilder Resource Reference

10.05.05 Overview

Marketing Landing Page - 10.05.00
Marketing Landing Page - PageBuilder
10.05.00 Release Notes
Upgrading to PageBuilder

10.05.00 Features & Improvements

Miva 10 UPS Worldwide Economy
Subscription Out of Stock Handling & Notifications
Custom Page Fields
Copy Page
Clear Basket Action
Public Custom Field Flag
Miva 10 PayPal Commerce Platform - Bug Fixes
External Payment - Payment Module
Separate Admin URL From Runtime
Miva Employee Staff Account
Redis Caching for Runtime Functions
Miva 10.05.00 Module APIs Changes

PageBuilder & Components

Miva 10 Page Builder General Overview
Miva 10 Page Builder Template Branch Preview
Miva 10 Page Builder Scheduling in Page Builder
Miva 10 Page Builder Mobile Tablet Desktop Preview
Miva 10 Page Builder Navigation Drop Down
Miva 10 Page Builder Page Settings
Miva 10 Page Builder Layouts
Miva 10 Page Builder Creating a New Page
Miva 10 Page Builder Components Overview
Miva 10 Page Builder Category Carousel Component
Miva 10 Page Builder Hero Slider Component
Miva 10 Page Builder Product Carousel Component
Miva 10 Page Builder Video Component
Miva 10 Page Builder Text Banner Component
Miva 10 Page Builder Text Area Component
Miva 10 Page Builder Rich Text Editor
Miva 10 Page Builder Image and Text Component
Miva 10 Page Builder Image Across Component
Miva 10 Page Builder Hero Banner Component
Miva 10 Page Builder Featured Product Component
Miva 10 Page Builder Component Text Settings
Miva 10 Page Builder Style Guide
Miva 10 Page Builder Header-Footer
Miva 10 Flex Component


Videos | PageBuilder Videos
Videos | PageBuilder Component Videos
Videos | PageBuilder Overview
Videos | PageBuilder Adding a Page
Videos | PageBuilder - Using Template Branches
Videos | PageBuilder Adding and Scheduling Component
Videos | PageBuilder - Duplicate Component
Videos | PageBuilder Component: Text Area
Videos | PageBuilder Component: Rich Text Editor
Videos | PageBuilder Component: Image and Text
Videos | PageBuilder Component: Image Across
Videos | PageBuilder Component: Featured Product
Videos | PageBuilder Component: Category Carousel
Videos | PageBuilder Component: Video
Videos | PageBuilder Component: Product Carousel
Videos | PageBuilder Component: Text Banner
Videos | PageBuilder Component: Hero Banner
Videos | PageBuilder Component: Hero Slider

JSON API Updates

Runtime_CategoryList_Load_Query | Miva JSON API
Runtime_CategoryProductList_Load_Query | Miva JSON API
Runtime_RelatedProductList_Load_Query | Miva JSON API
Runtime_ProductList_Load_Query | Miva JSON API
OrderItem_Split | JSON API
ExternalRefund_Insert | Miva JSON API

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