Try our new AI assistant by clicking the chat icon in the lower right corner.

Miva 10 AI Assistant

With the release of version 10.09, the Miva admin added an AI Assistant to help store owners create content for things like product descriptions and PageBuilder.


To configure the AI Assistant, you must have an OpenAI account and you will have to have an OpenAI API key/token.

For information about OpenAI accounts and generating an OpenAI API key/token, visit:

Once you have the API key/token, in the Miva admin, navigate to Settings>Store Settings>AI Settings (Experimental). In the open field for OpenAI Token, paste the OpenAI key/token and click the Enabled box.


Rich Text Editor Integration

After configuration, there will be an AI button available to you wherever larger text boxes are found, for example, in the Rich Text editor, and in the Product Description Field, as shown below. You can use the AI button to create content from scratch.

Alt text here

Clicking on the button opens a new window for the AI Content Generator.

Alt text here

Enter a prompt and click the green Send button in the lower right corner of the prompt window.

If you like what you see, click the green button to save the changes. You can also use the already present Undo button to roll back through versions.

You can also use AI to enrich already existing content. Both the prompt, and the current contents of the rich text editor, are sent to ChatGPT.

Alt text here Alt text here

Clicking the Save button automatically adds the new product description to the text field, in this case, the product page. You can also alter the original prompt to be more specific, or to highlight aspects of the product you want to see featured.

The favorites icon, next to the Send button, allows you to save the prompt for future use. Clicking the settings icon allows you to request that the content delivered by the assistant be generated as HTML.

PageBuilder Integration

Look for the AI button in the Body Text fields in PageBuilder. This powerful feature allows you to, for example, turn a series of half-thought-out facts into powerful marketing content. In the following example, a previously favorited prompt of, "Turn this text into professional marketing copy" is applied.

Alt text here Alt text here Alt text here

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